Saturday 20 April 2013

Wooooo Hoooo ….. My Altered Mirror Is Finally Complete …..

Handpainted jewelled mirrorI have been working hard on my altered mirror, and woo hoo, it’s finally finished. Below is how it looked last time you saw it ….
Picture151I have to admit at this stage I wasn’t sure if it would look right,  I had gone into it very all guns blazing,  without any real planning and frankly it looked “basic” …. however, I don’t like to give up.  But even now it’s done, I question if it was the  “best” use of my Promarker pens, quite a lot of them were on their last legs though, so perhaps it’s time I treated myself to a couple of new sets …. so if anyone knows where I can get some cheap????
Handpainted jewelled mirror 3……This is how far I got before deciding that I shouldn’t do anymore until I had invested in a couple of new permanent black pens, the emulsion paint was good base for the colours, but it didn’t half dry the nibs of the black pens I already had.
Handpainted jewelled mirror 5Handpainted jewelled mirror 4
And then ……  I took the risk of spoiling it all …. by adding great clusters of pink, turquoise and clear flat backed gems …..
Handpainted jewelled mirror 6
….. but,  I think the risk paid off as it does look stunning,  if I may say so myself, but not everybody’s cup of tea I know. 
Handpainted jewelled mirror 7
The photos just don’t really do it justice ….. because in the right light the gems are sooooo, sooooo  sparkly.  I am dead chuffed ….. only problem is …. I don’t have anywhere to hang it now  …… doh!


  1. Waaay to go Helen - it's totally STUNNING!! Fantastic result, and a real statement piece.

    I buy my Pro Markers from Cowling and Wilcox - - based in Highbury, London, I get them online but maybe you might be planning a little trip down South sometime? :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  2. Oh nice mirror - I get my promarkers from


  3. Now THAT is an amazing transformation! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! You could hang it on any wall - wherever it is, it'll be a stunner.Very nice work. I am amazed by you in every one of your posts.

  4. OH WOW------how stunning is that mirror now! wish it was hanging in my house lol you are so clever

  5. Wow!! That is gorgeous!!!Well done you!!! hmmm cheap promarkers??? only advice is to keep an eye open at Hobbycraft if you have one near you sometimes they have good offers on their packs xxx

  6. Wow Helen! Are you sure you don't want to start selling your creations...? Janex

  7. wow, that is some transformation! I can hardly believe its the same mirror you were working on in the last post! brilliant!

  8. It's wonderful Helen! Can it not go in the same room as your wall hanging?

  9. Wowser Helen - that is now one gorgeous mirror. Your house is going to be a riot of colour when you finish everything.

  10. What a fabulous project, the white highlights really make the colours pop. It's gorgeous. Xx

  11. i love it i am sure you will find some were to hang it Were Di gets her pro markers are good also check out C&C tv to compare prices big love marc

  12. This is genius, Helen! I came over at the suggestion of Di and am I ever glad she pointed me here! You are something else!!


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