Thursday 23 May 2013

It Comes To Him That Waits ……

Do you remember the retro mirror I spotted in a local charity shop window but baulked at the price tag of £10, back at the beginning of March?
Retro mirrorWell,  I went back all these months later and it was still there, on the floor, in the corner,  under a pile of plates …………… but this time marked down to £5, how often does that happen in a charity shop …..?
Retro mirror. 1Well,  I was at the counter before you could shabby chic!  I don’t have a clue what to do with it …. but I am going to take Marc’s advice and just hang it in situ for a while and see what comes to me …… to be honest, all it really needs is a bit of a rub down and then just needs a couple of coats of spray paint, but a more “on trend” colour and leave it at that ….. why over egg the pudding of a design I just love?


  1. Made up for you Helen. Nearly bought you one of these at a boot sale recently. It was badly painted though very thickly covered and overpriced! Glad you got it! X

  2. Wahoo - result there girl!! Yup, a rubdown and spray will be perfect - snigger, with perhaps a gem or two in the centre of each flower? I dare you not to add gems Helen :) Confer with Marc!

    I worked for many years on Saturday afternoons in our local charity shop and we had to be ruthless about moving stuff on so had half price reductions on a monthly basis and after a further month it was (sadly) binned. So glad you rescued your mirror - it was destiny!

    Hugs, Di xx

  3. It was meant for you. Its so lovely. x


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