Wednesday, 29 May 2013

My “I Can’t Sleep Bracelet”!

Oh my life, this is what happens when I can’t sleep at night …. or perhaps this is what I get up to when I am actually sleep crafting!!!
beaded wire bracelet  Previously, I had been Googling nothing in particular and stumbled across “wild woman bangles”,  which are very, very me…… and now top of my “objects of desire”
…. and if I was in the USA my name would be firmly down for one of Debora Mauser’s classes
beaded wire bracelet 1Because, be honest now,  I don’t have a clue do I?  What do I know about jewellery making?  Diddly squat, that’s what!!!
Talk about going from the sublime to the ridiculous! In my head, at 2 o’clock in the morning,  if I used a Primark bangle as a base and wrapped wire and beads around it , it would come out looking like a wild woman bracelet!!!
beaded wire bracelet 2All I can say is …. no more cheese at bedtime for me, and perhaps I should invest in a packet of Nytol!  But,  would I wear it …… yes, probably, I’ll let you know when!


  1. I'd never heard of sleep crafting before. Whatever you do, don't search for a cure - I love the results!

  2. Hi Helen. Great bracelets, especially if you made them in your sleep : ) Love the metal wild woman bracelets, off to have a look at the site. Take care.

  3. Well I think it looks fab! I can think of several people who would very much wear it!


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