Sunday 9 June 2013

Awwww, Our Last Wedding Craft Club Session Before The Big Day ….. And, The Appearance Of A Guest Crafter!!!

Picture53Last Thursday saw our last “Wedding Craft Club” session … awwww, it has just been so much fun, although some of us will be grateful not to see a punched flower or tiny flat backed gem for a while!
Picture54It is impossible to begin to express how brilliant it has all been for the “key” ladies of both families ….. Denise (the Lovely Laura’s Mum – Glowing Mother of The Bride), Sarah, the Duke’s Sister, who in the past year has been just too WONDERFUL for words in her help and support,  not only of Lucy and me, but to the Duke’s Dad and younger brother Iain, she really has been fantastic …..
Picture55…….. plus, Emily and Daisy, her daughters and my nieces, my Lucy and finally me,  (proud Mother of the Groom), to get together each week to form a strong friendship, with much laughter and salacious gossip, to make the lovely things that we hope will help towards making a truly magical day for the “betrothed couple”, Tom and Laura.
This week we had to finish the boxes to put the wedding bracelets in for all the ladies, which proved to be unbelievably fiddly, completely contradicting my …. “Ooooo they won’t take five minutes!” claim!
…. And then,  finally put together the cheese boxes (cut on my Silhouette) for all the rainbow mice The Equally Lovely Denise crocheted for the gentlemen.
The “unexpected need for and the subsequent appearance” of which lays squarely (or triangularly!),  at the feet of Mr Ken Veasey (Father of the Bride), who,  when he heard that the ladies were having a box for their gift,  declared that the gentlemen ought to have one too!!!!  …… But more of the aforementioned Ken Veasey anon!!!!!! 
Lucy and Emily volunteered for the “cheese hole” drawing amidst much giggling,  with them declaring that there was a “sinister” cheese hole face secreted amongst all other cheese holes on each box …… while Denise, Sarah and I put them together, which was a doddle compared to the ladies boxes!
And Mr. Veasey ? Well … today he has made it as my Guest Crafter,  after Denise was sent home with an empty pile of cheese boxes to fill ……after all, it was his idea …..
….. and it has to be said, he fulfilled his brief with great aplomb, finesse and a certain artistic style!

Happy Days!!!!!


  1. well done every one what a fabtastic family its going to be such a wonderful day for you all a day you can all say we did this because we love you both big love marc

  2. I was telling my dad about the things you have been making for the wedding. So looking forward to seeing photos of the big day.

  3. Sad in one way Helen but great in so many others. Looks like you now have a dedicated group who will be enjoying some crafty gatherings.

    Also looks like your 'guest' did well - what a fab idea those cheese boxes are.

    Toni xx

  4. Oh happy days, it's so nice to see how you've all been so involved in the run up to the big day. And those cheese boxes are 'the business'!


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