Monday 8 July 2013

Simple Wooden Gift Tag

The blank wooden blank that I used for this tag measures approximately 8.5cm x 6cm. Nothing fancy here today …. just a blank tag, a wooden flower and button from WholePort, a bit of faux stitching and a couple of inches of matching ribbon!
simple wooden gift tag with wooden flower embellishment
Because I craft I think it makes me very mean …. I see the price of gift tags …. from about 45p for a piece of folded glossy card and a bit of ribbon to £1+ for something slightly fancier and I immediately think I could make something better than that!  I know I have a mountain of stuff to choose from,  but I reckon that even if I was starting from scratch (using basic tools) I could make a whole pile of tags for under £2 …… no there’s a challenge!


  1. This is brilliant! I have some wood veneer - really thin stuff - and I am totally going to try this. Your mind is like a Pandora's box of ideas. I love visiting you and coming away with gifts - "idea" gifts - every time! Thank you for always sharing!!!

  2. fab and I am with you with tags I would so buy yours thoe as they are all fab big love marc


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