Monday 30 September 2013

Viva Las Vegas …… A Trip To Walmart ….. Of All Places!!!

Fortuitously,  the retail park where I went to Michaels also had a Walmart and a 99c Store ….. but as I said in my last post is was sooooooooo hot just walking across the car park was a major effort ….. and believe me,  I can pick up speed when I spot a shop I want to go in …. but on this occasion, I really had to pace myself via Raising Canes for Chicken Fingers, as recommended by our taxi driver, to get to Walmart!!! 
An odd place perhaps to have on a Bucket List for Las Vegas …. but Lucy and I wanted to do something “ordinary” …… and on “The Strip” in Las Vegas nothing is ordinary!  We wanted to find and try some of the snacks etc. we’d seen in films and on the tele, because we could!!! All I can say is OMG ……but, in the end we put very little in our trolley, we just walked round mouths agape ….. the choice and range of everything was just too much to take in!! 
Craft wise, my interest was primarily in the confectionary, with sweetie bags in mind ….. and yes, I found some Rainbow Twizzlers …..
…… but no ideas, yet as, on how to use them. A 12.4 oz. pack only cost £1.17,  as opposed to silly money in UK. It would have been nice to have bought a few more packs, but they were heavy and weight was always on my mind when buying anything, especially as I had already paid for extra weight in both England and in Las Vegas and still went over …. but the lovely lady at Las Vegas airport erm ….. overlooked it! 
Looking back through my photos I didn’t take that many pictures for this blog ….. Lucy and I were too busy ohhhing and ahhhhing, but there are a few more over on Mum’s Monkey!
The one thing I couldn’t get over was the extraordinary range of Duck Tape, OMG …. I was so tempted to buy some, but Duck Tape craft was/is a mystery to me. I have since spoken to Marc ….. and now wish I had taken the risk, even if I just used it to jazz up parcels …. at £2.11 a roll it should have been a no brainer.
……. With the weight issue always on my mind …. I did take a few pictures during our trip of the objects of desire that I had to reluctantly leave behind …
Like this candle holder ……. £4.92!!!  So me, but it ran the risk of being smashed to smithereens if put in my case!
My favourite purchase from Walmart?  A mahooooooosive bag of the biggest, sweetest,  most gorgeous cherries (my fruit of choice), I have ever tasted in my life …… eaten on my bed while watching Hoarders, late into the night  …… such a guilty, guilty pleasure!!


  1. I can understand the desire to do something 'ordinary' whilst abroad. Looks an amazing shop - and is that a monkey I spy in your trolley? LOL!

  2. I love gaffa tape and the USA do it in so many fab colours and widths its like wooshi tape but stronger and water proof you could make some candle holders like that big love mrc

  3. Duck tape crafting is popular in the US.....either making something from scratch or just's uncomplicated and doesn't take a lot of artistic ability the way some crafts do......hope that Wal-Mart had a good craft section...many things like jute or linen cord is very inexpensive there! OMG You watched Hoarders....unbelievable isn't it?.....Dianne


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