Tuesday 15 October 2013

Two Graduation Cards

As you know my Lucy graduated a couple of weeks ago amidst much pride, she not only got a First Class degree but also two special awards for her work and disertation, which she was told was a unique achievement in her department, all that while watching out for her dear old mum!!!
Graduation CardSo naturally, a time for making celebratory cards. My card which measures 5ins x 5ins using ahand cut blank of white linen effect card was made using a pack of Jolees embellishments that I got in Michaels (in Las Vegas!!!!! ), …. that I bought especially with Lucy’s graduation in mind, so a bit of a cheat really.  The paper used for the background was chosen to reflect Lucy’s degree in Accountancy, but looking at the picture now I can see that I have used it the wrong way round …… doh, talk about lack of attention to detail, I should be so ashamed!!
Graduation Card
No cheating at all with this second card was made by the Equally Lovely Denise, the Lovely Laura’s mum (my new daughter in law!)  A very clever design that I plan to remember and copy in the future.  I always struggle with mortar boards, such a weird shape ….. I had never thought of a square with a tassel ….. yet another doh on my behalf, I really am rusty these days! 


  1. Hi Helen. Love both cards, and made for someone so special to you : ) How nice that you have another crafter in the family now that you can get ideas from. (Our daughter started her Accountancy apprenticeship in Sept. so I hope to be having to make a card on the same subject for her in 3 years!) Take care

  2. I think your card is great. Congratulations to your daughter on her achievements. So impressive!


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