Wednesday 2 October 2013

What’s On My Desk Wednesday - Lisa’s Halloween Challenge, Part 1.

These are the bits that Lisa (Craft Fairy) sent me for our monthly mojo challenge, included were papers, Sizzix spiders, pumpkins, and bats, ribbons, buttons and a wooden H. Hmmmmm
Picture58I gravitated to the wooden H first …. H for Halloween immediately sprang to mind …. so first job was to cover it with one of Lisa’s papers ….
Picture59….. then came the spider, I stuck two together using a sticky pad to add dimension …. doodled webs followed, which screamed for a few googly eyes, a small Sizzix lizard and Lisa’s buttons.  I also found some Halloween rub ons that Dianne in Florida sent me …. these were perfect.  I don’t use rub ons a lot …. but I am tempted to look for more word ones as they are a brilliant way of filling the odd gap.
hALLOWEEN SPIDER dECORATIONAnd then,  I got to thinking that the back looked a bit bare and that it was a shame waste the space, so I started the whole thing again!!
Halloween Spider Decoration 1
Finally I drilled a hole in one of the corners, attached a jump ring and then a ribbon ….. et voila.
Halloween Spider Decoration 2Halloween Spider Decoration 3
This is going to be part of a little pack of Halloween bits and pieces for my friends little boy who she adopted in April and this will be his first Halloween with her, so I wanted to give him something special that can come out each year and bring happy memories back over and over again.


  1. Now that's a brilliant H! Great job and that little boy is going to love it!

  2. he will love it i know i would its fab funky and fun big love marc

  3. you certainly rose to the challenge and won lol, your friends little boy will love it

  4. This is going to be soooo much fun for that little boy.....any child would love to have this.....Halloween is getting those creative juices flowing! always have the best ideas ever....Dianne

  5. WOW - how to make something from nothing. He will be thrilled with it I'm sure. Welcome back Helen - you're doing great x

  6. I don't 'do' spiders but other than that it's lovely! LOL! Hate to look at it with one eye shut!


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