Monday 25 November 2013

Wishing W.E.Interiors, in Battersea, The Most Wonderful Launch Night!

W.E InteriorsWell,  if I can’t give one of my dearest friends a humungously mahooosive and shamelessly blatant plug on my blog,  then who can????!!!!!
rickTonight (26th November), Marc’s partner Ian and his sister Jan launch their new venture W.E. Interiors in Battersea, which specialises in interior design, bespoke furniture, and soft furnishings, showcasing fabric ranges and accessories from new, very exciting and innovative designers.W.E.Interiors.  Battersea, Bespoke FurnitureDuring my last visit in October I had the most WONDERFUL day with Ian, when he took me to have a mooch round W.E. Interiors  AND  “play shop”.  Oh my life, he only asked me to help price some of his most gorgeous vases and accessories, me, the Poundshop Queen, having to think “London Prices” !!!   Well, I tried my best, adding the odd nought here and there …. feeling very professional and business like in my faux fur coat and, I do believe, some of those items have since been sold!
W.E Interiors. Battersea. bespoke FurnitureThere were a couple of pieces that I had to put on my “Objects of Desire” list …..
W.E. Interiorsbe spoke Desk….. like this bespoke desk. OMG ….. I can just see me now attending to my daily correspondence,  sat sitting there…… just look at the flower drawer knobs!!! So me or what???   The moment I saw it, I knew I wanted it …..
W.E Interiors, Battersea Bespoke Desk.……. and with it’s matching stool.  They will probably end up in the house of someone very, very famous, but at least I can say I saw and desired them first!
W.E. Interiors. Battersea bespoke chair.….. I wouldn’t say no to this chair either  …. as it would very much suit my boudoir bedroom ….
W.E. Interiors Battersea. bespoke FurmtitureAnd as for this sideboard …… let’s just say I stroked it and just wished I had a space for it ……

And talking of houses and interior designs, if ever I get “discovered” and need to move to London and into a bijoux London Lounging Pad, I know exactly who I would be my exclusive interior designer … Ian!!!  I have seen what he has done to his and Marc’s flat and believe me every time I visit I just go wow. Ian puts colours together that mere mortals like you or I just wouldn’t dare and then adds gorgeous, quirky decorative touches ….. I am soooooooooo jealous. Coupled with the fact that Ian has taught me so much about furniture, design, colour and architecture, I am so lucky, I just wish I had met him when I was younger and he’d taken me under his wing!!!!
cushion W.E. InteriorsBut I digress ….  since I was in the shop, Ian has also stocked some beautiful cushions and lamp shades by Lorna Syson …… my aforementioned “Objects of Desire” list has just got even longer!!!! How on earth do you choose which one you like?
W.E Interiors. Battersea, Lorna SysonI know Marc has been busy too, last night we only had time for a very brief natter as he was up to his eyeballs making over 400 assorted (and knowing Marc’s cooking delicious), canapés, this after making goodness knows how many complimentary gift bags, just like they have at The Oscars!!!!
So good luck Ian and Jan and W.E Interiors ……
you deserve it!
W.E. Interiors 557-561 Battersea Park Road, SW11 3BL London, United Kingdom
020 7738 2424      Email:


  1. Ian's new shop looks like a wonderful place to browse, dream and, of course, buy. I wish them every success!

  2. Hi Helen. Oh, get you playing shops :) Wouldn't it be nice to have some of these lovely bits of furniture etc. I love the bird cushions and shades, they caught my eye straiht away. Hope it all goes well for them. Take care.

  3. Oh my life! Helen, this sounds amazing.

    I can feel a bureau makeover coming on. I think you need to get on your local Freecycle page and find yourself a nice old bureau to decopatch, and make your own custom desk/bureau. I can honestly just picture that!!!

  4. Thanks for the shout out Ian and Lyn
    will be so pleased that you have taken the time to write about it the night was a great success with artists showcasing their works the major of battersea came to open it and enjoyed the champs and hotel chocolates and other goodies in her goodie bag i was very tired after it all and have just got my self sorted for the next run of things i think i am vicking knitting cable covers lol big love and thanks again Marc

  5. Looks wonderful - hoping to visit soon!


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