Friday 1 November 2013

Wonderful, Wonderful Times With Marc - Trick or Treat Bags.

Trick or Treat Bags Sizzix bat dieOn Wednesday afternoon I returned home after three wonderful days with Marc. Leaving was such a wrench, as I had such a lovely time and I love Marc and Rick and the girls (the dogs) with all of my heart. In fact I am filling up now as I write ….. silly sausage!! To keep myself  occupied on the train going home I tried to write everything we did down to blog …. with Marc’s voice and laughter as we worked still echoing in my head.
Big Love NotebookWe did so much in such a short time …… we glittered like there was no tomorrow and as I left, Marc, in a certain light, twinkled like a Halloween Christmas tree possessed!!!!!!
166Trick or Treat Bags sizzix dies
On Tuesday night we made Marc’s Halloween Trick or Treat bags, it is a very happy evening that will stay with me forever, partly because Marc was a hard and demanding task master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We used Kraft lunch bags for the base (99p for 10 from Home Bargains),  while Marc cut out the phrases in appropriate spooky colours and a whole flock of bats from his new Sizzix Halloween themed dies ………. 
Sizzix-Sizzlits-Decorative-Strip-Bats-Die-114c1000-630f-4304-abc0-b673372ca68c_320Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Bats Die Item #: 15661584
655556 (1)
Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Phrase, Trick or Treat  #2 Strip Die
Item #: 15368386
Trick or treat bagsTrick or Treat sizzix die
…… I doodled on the bats with a white gel pen and added webs and spiders, faux stitching  and other bits of fiddlefart to the bags. 
We were very chuffed with ourselves ….. we finished at about 2.00am, fortified with erm….. a little liquid refreshment, I haven’t stayed up so late in ages ….. it was soooooooooo much fun and evening of very happy companionship which as I said at the beginning I will remember and treasure forever. Happy Days!


  1. it was so lovely having you stay its just like family your no trouble and so much fun we do have a laugh even if i do get worn out ect you always understand the bags went down a treat so much fun just playing see you soon big love marc

  2. So glad you had such a great time with Marc. The bags are soooo cute!

  3. Hi Helen. Glad you had such a great time, and sad for you that it is over already! Love the trick or treat bags, adding the white lines to the bats etc makes such a difference. Have a good weekend. Take care.

  4. These are amazing bags! wow! I truly many did you make? I hope you didnt have loads of trick or treaters feeling left out cos they didnt get such a cool bag

  5. As we read we can feel the bond of friendship between you and Marc. I come across him on a couple of craft forums and he does seem a very nice guy.
    Love the Halloween bags - how could you give them away to trick or treaters?

  6. Wonderful, Helen, I love them!!! Just reading some of your posts and seems you had a fab time with Marc & Rick. Sounds like you had a ball xxx


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