Tuesday 7 January 2014

Charity Shop Shopping And Things For My Boudoir Bathroom …….

I hope you don’t get sick of my Boudoir Bathroom plans and posts …. however, I am quite excited, as you may have guessed by it all, as this is the room that has needed most doing to it and for which I have been most confident in my ideas, it really is a blank canvas, ……………...
Charity shop candle sticksgreen vase
So …..  when I nipped to the charity shop up the road I was looking for glass receptacles for my Boudoir Bathroom shelves, so that Lucy and I can bathe dans candle light ….. and I found this pair of heavy glass candle sticks for £2.95, which fitted my candles perfectly and an old green glass vase that a tealight will just fit into for £2 (in the picture I’ve just rammed in a random tealight to see if it will fit, however, when I “dress” it for “real”, I will have some beads/floristry pebbles in the bottom with a tealight resting on top).  If the candlesticks/vase don’t suit the bathroom when the shelves are up, they will easily fit into my eclectic collection of glass tealight/candle holders in the dining room, so I can mix and match.
Boudoir Bathroom Mirror Charity shop findAnd then, I found this mirror skulking round the back of the shop …. for just £6.  It measure 59cms x 49cm and is really heavy and solid.  I had been eyeing up a couple of mirrors in a discount shop in town, but for the same price this is far better quality. It is a perfect base for the bejewelled mirror I have planned for the side of the wash basin, I may just have to paint the sides white to blend with the tiles, but the patterned frame is just perfect to show through any tiny gaps between jewels, in fact I might give it a light coat of translucent glitter before I start embellishing it.
crystal drawer knobs Home BargainsThen later, Lucy and I did some mooching in town and found these over the top knobs in Home Bargains …… can you believe all four were just £3.99.  Believe me, I paid £8 each for the ones in my bedroom!!! I was so thrilled, these are going on the towel cupboard doors. I know my ideas are not to everyone's taste ….. me who used to be just magnolia and no frills …. but it seems that somewhere along the line my inner girlie monster has been unleashed ….. but for all the fuss and fluster I am still aiming for the less is more effect, just with the less being very sparkly!!  I am now on the lookout for a crystal light pull to match.
And then on to a little on-line shopping, I thought I had found my main mirror on Amazon…. needed mainly to add extra light and reflection in the room …..
bathroom mirror….. however when it arrived, it was parcelled up and a returns label printed off within five minutes of my opening it …… it was split and the quality appalling ….. so it’s back to the drawing board on this idea!! 

My Minds Eye, Stella and Rose 12 x 12 Designer Paper Pad 180 pages However, I think I have been more successful in finding just the right papers for my patchwork bath panels and picture frame inserts, in the form of this My Mind’s Eye, Stella & Rose 12" x 12" pad (also from Amazon). I was intending to use papers I already, but rather than be too random, I wanted the colours to tie in together and as this is my very favourite paper collection of all time (in fact  I have forgotten how many of the smaller pads I have bought over the years), to find a pad of 180 page 12 x 12 pad is brilliant, with plenty leftover to craft with afterwards I hope.

cake standAnd finally, nothing to do with my bathroom this time  ….. a glass cake stand, something I have wanted for ages, reduced from £7.99 to £3.99 from Homebase ….. now I can serve my slabs of bread and butter pudding in a most elegant fashion, a la Hyacinth Bucket at my many intimate soirees!!!


  1. Hi Helen. You have got some great bargains haven't you! Charity shops nearly always come up with the goods, if you are prepared to look don't they. Love the cake stand and the papers too. Take care.

  2. I can't wait to see your finished room! it's going to look amazing!
    I was in Home Bargains yesterday and saw a satchel, a bit like the one you bought in London. Not vintage in any way but quite nice. Immediately thought of you!

  3. i love them all the door knobs were a bargin can you get more make great coat hooks or towel holders even loo roll holder with a bit of dowling resting in between to hold roll used as tie backs or legs for small chests they are fab big love marc


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