Sunday 5 January 2014

Three More Christmas Presents From Marc

This is how my boudoir bed looked on Christmas morning ….. with my presents from Marc (and Rick) laid out on it …….
christmas Morning bedI can’t believe how beautifully everything goes together.  Each parcel was beautifully wrapped in Kraft paper with lots of typical Marc-esque flounces and fluster, and tags with cryptic messages written on. The first thing you will notice are the two Big Love paperweights which will have pride of place on my desk when I get back to work …. made, I do believe, with the Poundland photo paperweights I took down on my last visit in October.
Big Love paperweightsMarc says he made the gold background using Lancashire Rose Mega Flakes from Indigoblu
Big Love Poundland PaperweightsThere was also this beautiful box “commissioned” by Marc’s partner Rick to make for me …
embellished box It’s absolutely stunning, and now has pride of place on the top of my drawers in my bedroom.
Embellished Box.Marc has covered it with millions of seed beads, sequins, micro beads and silver embellishments using a mixture of all the pva/water based glues known to man!  If anyone can out fiddlefart me, it’s Marc, and his patience? Marc is the most patient and diligent man I know when it comes to crafting!
Embellished pen and notebookAnd last but by no means least, this embellished notebook and pen, oh my life I just love them …… they are sooooooooooo Marc, and soooooooooo me!! The pen caused Marc the greatest fiddlefart, in fact he said that it was a “right bugger” as he had to hold it with a wire in order to cover it a tiny bit at a time so that the beads didn’t glob together and make the covering too thick    and then he had to allow it all to dry, before adding the next bit etc.  They are  beautiful and will have a special pocket in my handbag so they are with me all the time.
So Christmas Day was full of discovering wonderful, wonderful treasures made with an awful lot of love ….. I am such a lucky girl!!!


  1. Hi Helen. You were very lucky ween't you! Anyone would think that you love lots of bling :) Take care.

  2. The most precious present of all is friendship and your Marc certainly gives you that! Great presents Helen, enjoy, and have a very Happy New Year. Barb xx

  3. what STUNNING gifts,very well done Marc........ made, given and received with lots of love!

  4. You lucky, lucky thing - and equally lucky to have found such a wonderful friend :-)


  5. You are, indeed, fortunate to have such kind, generous and crafty friends as Marc and Rick. These gifts all exude their love and affection for you!

  6. Oooh, how fabulous :)
    What lovely keepsakes.

    Jackie and Bob


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