Monday 24 March 2014

Elizabeth Shaw Bunny Mint Favours

Come on, with Easter next on our crafting calendars did you really think I wouldn’t do something with my crafty confectionary staple Elizabeth Shaw mints?!!!!!!
Easter Bunny Mints
I try to stock up on the mints whenever see them in Home Bargains or B M Bargains at around £1.99 a box, especially as they always seem to have the milk chocolate ones, which are my personal favourite, dark chocolate is an acquired taste for me I am afraid. I know one day this source will more than likely dry up and then I will have to try and find them in the supermarkets for close on double the price, so I always check the “use by date” and then buy enough for a couple or three projects.
So, once more, I have got my old faithful, umpteen years old Stampin’ Up scalloped and plain circle out and got punching, in pink and yellow pastels for the outside, and Boofle 6” x 6” papers for the middle.
Easter Bunny Mints.png1Easter Bunny Mints 2
I am a fairly patient person ….. but after a while doing all the dots and faux stitching on both sides of the mints does begin to rankle and I just want to get them done!
Easter Bunny Mints 4
Then comes the writing bit, when I start just pray that I can get it pretty well centred first time, and not have to chuck too many in the bin to get them just right.
Easter Bunny Mints 3
Then,  all I have to do is sandwich them altogether, using double-sided tape ….. I am not sure how I am going to package them up to give as presents at Easter ….. but I do have a few organza bags from way back when (…somewhere …..) that need using up!


  1. Looks like the perfect Easter treat!

  2. Hi Helen. I love these little Easter treats. You must have so much patience, and good hands, to do so much faux stitching : ) I made a load of these at Christmas, after seeing them on your blog, to go on our Christmas Tree for the children and Granddaughters, using chocolate coins. Everyone thought they looked great, and much more original than the usual chocolate decs-and MUCH cheaper too! (I'm afraid that my arthritic hands don't allow me to do much pen holding so had to leave off the faux stitching though. I must find a stamp that fits my circle die to do the "stitches" as it does give the finishing touch doesn't it) Little organza bags would be ideal to package your treats up, or for at home, a twig "tree" to hang them from? I do appreciate you blogging. You give me so many fabulous ideas. Thank you. Take care.

  3. I love this idea and have used it so many times now to make personalised gifts - most recently for a crafting retreat I made everyone a set of mints to have on their desk with the dates of the retreat on the back. Your easter ones are so pretty x

  4. they look really good.why not just give one as a token gift then more people could have one of your lovely makes.(if i knew how to put a smiley face there would be one here )

  5. I went to poundland yesterday and purchased some lovely cellophane bags with ribbon ties, they had Easter eggs printed on them. Just a thought!


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