Sunday 9 March 2014

Glittered Spiders

I was rootling about in one of the drawers on my desk when I found four spiders left over from Halloween ……..
Glittered spiders …………….and I just couldn’t resist glittering them!
Glittered spiders 2They each measure about 3ins long, so they are quite substantial and therefore quite striking.  I used ultra fine glitters and PVA glue in a fine tip applicator bottle to glitter them up.
Glittered spiders 3Glittered spiders 4
You can’t tell from the pictures but they really do sparkle and look quite beautiful, in a weird sort of way!
Glittered spiders 5Glittered spiders 6
I can’t think of an immediate use for them, but there’s another nine months to think of something before Halloween comes round again……. but I am thinking they would look good on a gothic shaped mirror ……. with a painted web and perhaps a battery operated candle or two ……… ?????


  1. I'm not a fan of big hairy spiders at all but these are lovely in a creepy sort of way ! Great idea for a mirror ! Can't wait to see what you come up with Helen x

  2. this has made me laugh out loud, they are so pretty and remind me of 1930s jewels where everything had to be covered in sparkles.EE

  3. Hi Helen. I love what you have done to the spiders, they look so pretty, yes, that is an odd thing to say isn't it, because we don't think of spiders being pretty do we! They would look great on a spooky mirror. Take care.

  4. they would be so now for jewellery as insect spiders were very big at newyork fash weeek and are big with a lot of designers love them big love marc

  5. They'd make great additions to your bathroom :-) maddy x


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