Friday 25 April 2014

I’ve Been Busy …… Introducing, In Hello magazine Type Fashion, My New Craft Room!

I may have only been blogging once a week, but believe me my feet haven’t touched the ground since I decided to stand back for a while ….. As it happens it was a very wise decision, as my life seems to have been taking on a lot of new changes and happenings, which are set to continue for the next six months or so at least, the most exciting of which will be the safe arrival of my first grandchild “Jellybean” in June …….
Picture1new craft room
….. which is why my spare bedroom has gone from this to this ….. and my old Craft Room is no more!
new craft room 1new craft room.png 1
It was a job I firmly intended to do during the summer holidays, but then in a mad mood of impetuosity I decided to get it started over Easter while I was in Iceland, aghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a brilliant gentleman called Ade who sorted it all for me (he, who did my “boutique” bathroom too).  I just give him a whole raft of wishy washy, fiddle farty ideas and somehow he knows exactly what I want!!!  So when I came home, all I had to do was fill all the shelves and drawers with all the stuff from my old and nearly double the size craft room ……
…… and I did it !!! Well, almost, I still have my sewing machines, Christmas bits and pieces and picture frames in the old room, but it’s all hidden away (but easily reachable when needed)  but now my guests (including Tom, The Lovely Laura and Jellybean) will have a lovely spacious room to spread out in plus tea making facilities.


  1. I am anxiously awaiting tomorrow when I can see what you've been up to. Congrats on the new grandbaby. You will be a spectacular granny!

  2. Hi Helen. You (and Ade) have been busy haven't you! Love the new craft room. My hubby has threatened to redo our bedroom to include a tiny craft space for me! I use our bed, dressing table and floor at the moment so that would be wonderful:) I will be studying your pics closely to get some ideas :) Take care.

  3. well, that's done and dusted then, did you find treasure along the way ??lol......a nice new room for visitors

  4. You so know i want that room well done pal its going to be a place your be happy to spend time in al those new baby bits your going to have to make and dont forget the scrapbooks big fab love marc ps and you forgot a room for me to stay in lol

  5. It looks fab, looking forward to seeing the guest room xxx

  6. Well the new craft room looks amazing - far better than I'd anticipated. Can't wait to see the new guest room now. Congrats on the future grandchild news.


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