Monday 12 May 2014

Get Well Soon Marc ……..xxxxxxxxxx

Marc will HATE me for doing this, but I don’t care, he’s had a seriously ***p week, last week, ending up by having had a very horrid 3 hour exploratory operation, while still awake, and sometimes life just doesn’t seems fair,  in fact it’s down right ****** and Marc doesn’t need it!!!!!!!
Yet, despite being in the most horrendous, horrendous pain, he has still been able to send me hilarious texts about what the skinhead in the bed next to him has been doing (please don’t ask!), texting during Eurovision, our very favourite annual programme of choice,  and even finding some humour in his own situation and condition, and that takes some balls, believe me!!! ….. And so I just thought it would give him a boost if everyone could spend just a couple of minutes here to leave a “get well” message for him and help make him smile.
I shall be seeing with Marc in a couple of weeks time, if he is up to it.  I have promised him a cheeky bed bath or two with my cold hands,  to hold his vodka glass to his lips for him whenever he needs, to feed him nothing but Maltesers and not complain when he endlessly flicks channels with the tv remote control!!!  Neither of us can wait, I didn’t see him at Easter and we both felt like our throats had been cut ……. and thanks to Virgin sale I got my tickets for just £5.50 each way …. it costs almost that on the Banga bus to town!!!
So, to start off proceedings ……… GET WELL SOON MARC …….. love you miles and miles xxxxxx


  1. Oh Helen - and Marc too of course. What a time, sending BIG love to you and of course Marc. Get well soon!! :)

    Love and hugs


  2. So sorry to hear you're feeling poorly, Marc. These good wishes come all the way from the U.S.A. Your pain must be awful, 'cuz I'm feelin' it all the way across the big pond. When Helen comes to visit,I think you should insist on everything she's promised in her blog post. I know I would! Hang in there and get better soon.

  3. What a bargain! Use it well and have a great time when you get together. Hope you're fully recovered really soon, Marc x

  4. Hi Mark,
    I hope you are soon feeling much better and totally well again, you give us many smiles with your comments and wow us with your talents. I hope your only pain now is knowing Helen is coming to visit!!! (just joking)Best wishes
    Tilly xxxx

  5. Hi Marc Sorry you are unwell. I trust you will get better soon. You have been such a rock for Helen, I can understand her wanting to be a rock for you.
    Glad you appreciated Eurovision on Saturday... Can't there be a better way to give the results?
    Get well soon.

  6. Get well soon Marc do wish we could know what the skinhead in the next bed was getting up doubt it cannot be published on here!

  7. Dear Marc

    I am so sorry to hear about your op. From Helens comments i cannot work out which is worse, the pain or the skinhead in the bed next to you. All jokng apart i hope that you feel better very soon.
    BIG HUGS xxx

    Louise x

  8. Marc - hope you soon feel better. Surely the thought of vodka on tap and an endless supply of maltesers must make you feel brighter.
    Take care


  9. Sending Marc lots and lots of love and get well wishes. Hope your visitors, Marc, are spoiling you as much as possible so that you enjoy lots of treats inbetween those nasty sounding treatments. All the very best for a speedy recovery. Nicky {Creative Flourishes} x

  10. Sorry to hear Marc is poorly - get well soon Marc. I am sure vodka and maltesers will do him a world of good and I am very intrigued about the vodka drinking plant.

    Enjoy your visit to Marc, I am sure the threat of the bedbath will speed up his recovery. As I use to tell my patients - cold hands, warm heart :D

  11. Get well Marc..poor you ,hugs Georgina x

  12. Hi Marc
    Sorry you aren't feeling great. Sending you lots of big warm hugs and hope you feel better very soon.

    Lots of love

  13. I'm so shocked to hear what Marc has been going through. He's such a lovely, kind, caring guy. I truly hope he's over his health issues now and on the way to recovery. In Marc's own words - Big Love. And a very gentle cwtch from me (Welsh hug/cuddle)

  14. Get well soon Marc,
    it's our turn to send you "Big love" and hoping you feel well real soon xxx

  15. Sending big big hugs from Mrs A. and Norm. xxxxxx

  16. Hi Marc. Sorry to hear that you are not well at the moment. I hope that you recover very quickly. Helen has her part in your recovery all planned, not sure you will want the bed bath with her freezing hands though, then again if she has fed you enough vodka you won't care will you : ) What was the skinhead in the next bed up to? I hope he helped to take your mind off of your illness : ) Take care.

  17. Get well soon Marc and apply lots of moisturiser to the Helen before the bed baths xx

  18. Get well soon Marc!
    Love Jacky and George xxx

  19. Wishing you a speedy recovery Marc. Hope you are soon back to crafting in your own unique way,
    with love xx

  20. Thank you pal and every one for your love things are going ok still a lot of pain but hey hoe it will pass or i will get use to it like always lol
    hospital was horrid as was the skin head and ladies lets just say not something that should be done in public i am back home with the gang being looked after and counting he days till helen comes to stay her smile will be the best pain relief i could have again thankyou so much your all stars big love marc

  21. Hi Marc, I've only just seen this so I hope you are well on the mend! Thinking of you, take care, love barb x


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