Friday 16 May 2014

My “New” Decopatch Radio

Decopatch Radio
I covered my original “Decopatch radio” a couple of years ago, but sadly, it shuffled off its mortal coil a while ago ….. I have replaced it, but left it as it was…. however since my kitchen has undergone a major overhaul, the radio’s plain wood finish has come under scrutiny …… until, I finally succumbed and gave it the Decopatch treatment!
Decopatch Radio 1
As the kitchen is predominately black and white with a splash of red … I ordered about ten assorted Decopatch papers in these colours ….
Decopatch Radio 2….. but when they arrived I decided that I would only use the red based ones with my very favourite being the red and black lace effect one (code 436).
Decopatch Radio 3It probably only took me about 30/45 minutes to cover, I even thought I would have a go at doing the knob, (if you’ll pardon the expression!). The worst part for me is waiting for it to dry, especially as it tends to go a little wrinkly before it dries perfectly flat, and that’s the danger time, when I tend to poke at it!  I finally got to varnish it using Wilkinson's clear, quick drying varnish, which really does dry quickly, perfect for me as I am sooooo impatient. Anyway, four/five coats did it ……
Decopatch Radio 4Decopatch Radio 5
And now it’s sitting resplendent in my kitchen, looking like a very expensive, bespoke model, tuned to Radio 4!
Decopatch Radio 6


  1. Hi Helen. Love it. You have given me yet another idea : ) Take care.

  2. i love your little make overs they work so well big love marc


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