Thursday 5 June 2014

Marc And I “Do” Crafting Together For The First Time …… Continued ….

This card is A5 in size ……..
Silver Sixpence for her shoe cardMarc wanted me to make him a card that incorporated an old sixpence to give to the bride whose wedding we had been working on ….
Silver Sixpence for her shoe card 1I had an inkling of an idea on the Saturday, but it took me until late Monday evening to put all together ……..
Silver Sixpence for her shoe card.I wanted it to take all the ideas and die cuts we had used on all the other bits and pieces we had done so that the theme flowed, but it took a couple of days because we were constantly throwing new ideas at each other, and trying things that sometimes didn’t quite work out.
blue birds sixpence cardI wish you could have heard us ….. debating, trying one idea, erming and ahhing, trying something else, and then more often as not going back to our original idea ……Picture14
I lined the card with a thin, plain, white paper and then added a red velum insert that Marc had punched a while ago for another project, and then a bit of loopy writing and a few tiny red flat backed gems finished the whole thing off,  done and dusted!


  1. Beautiful, Helen! I bet the bride will love it.

  2. what a great wedding set and a super card with the sixpence...... well done to you both, I'm sure the recipients will be over the moon!

  3. Hi Helen. What a lovely keepsake. The Bride and Groom are going to be delighted with all of the hard work you and Marc have put into the wedding goodies : )Take care.

  4. Wow, Helen - impressive! So glad you're having fun, crafting alongside Marc - it's great when two people share a hobby. Hugs x

  5. love the CARD so much the photos dont do justice to it i wanted Helen to make the card as i always make cards for the person and wanted something i did not make myself to give her but was a style i would love and Helen made that possible as always she came out tops after much humming and ok ing lol big love and thanks marc


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