Wednesday 2 July 2014

World Exclusive News - A Baby Pic And Marc’s Coming To Stay With Me!!!

I was in such a hurry to get a post written yesterday that I didn’t have time for to introduce you to Iris …… my very, very beautiful granddaughter, not only has she inherited the gift of great beauty and intelligence …… but she can also poo for England, that’s my girl!!!!
And my other exclusive news??????  Well, Marc is coming to stay with me for nine whole days in the summer, he has finally been lured from London by the pleasures and bright lights of Wolverhampton!!  I don’t know who is the most excited, me or him!
I am going to treat this special visit as my holiday too and see Wolverhampton and my humble village through the eyes of an international tourist!  Can you believe Marc, a man who has travelled the world in showbiz style, is almost totally overwhelmed by the thought of being able to go into town on the village Banga bus with me!busI have so much planned …… we are going on shopping extravaganza to the only Tesco Express in the village, a cream tea at our new village cafe and a fry up in the greasy spoon ….. followed by a plate painting session in the next village, as well as “doing” all the charity shops in town, visits to Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury and Birmingham and a bumper trip to Bentley Bridge, a local retail park to “do” HobbyCraft, Home Bargains and BM Bargains! I know how to give a boy a good time!!!!!!!
On the days we decide to just stay at home to give Marc a bit of a rest from this mad, hectic social whirl we are hoping to put some projects together for the blog, hopefully using items purchased from said HobbyCraft, Home Bargains and BM Bargains …. I know Marc is counting the days ….. and I might burst …… the keys of Wolverhampton are about to become Marc’s!!


  1. A beautiful grandchild, enjoy you time with Marc x

  2. Awww Iris is beautiful xxx Sounds like you and Marc are going to have a great time - enjoy!!! xxx

  3. Hi Helen. Congratulations on the safe arrival of Iris. She is a little beauty : )
    You are going to have a great time with Marc aren't you. Looking forward to seeing what crafty goodies you both come up with. Take care.

  4. gorgeous,gorgeous ,gorgeous i know wh\t you mean about having no time for other things with Iris here now. I am an extremely doting nanna and love it!!Louisex

  5. Congratulations on both counts.Lots for you to look forward to and I don't blame you for not wanting to be pushed around at work. I deleted some of my blog pics in the same way. Luckily I only did a few and then realised what I'd done before emptying the recycling bin. Maybe you could start a whole new blog called still fiddle farting, lol. xx

  6. Iris is lovely Helen, congrats on becoming a Granny. Hugs Debbie x

  7. Ha! Lil ol' Wednesfield is getting a Royal Visit! Its so odd to think of 'famous' Marc visiting Bentley Bridge of all places, I had to comment. Have fun!

  8. I'm so happy for you (and Marc) that you'll be spending some quality time together in your stomping ground. I do hope you'll keep us all abreast of your fun with many, many photos and lots of descriptions as only you can compose them!

  9. Aw, Iris is so so cute - congratulations on becoming a Nanna (or Granny?)!! Can't wait to hear the news of your adventures with Marc, have a great time together!! Hugs Jacky x

  10. Wow! HUGE congratulations Helen! She is adorable. You must be delighted. xxxx

  11. she is lovely just like her Nan and i cant wait to take the bus what does one wear on a bus will i get refreshments served who can say who can tell well i know Helen will big love marc ps cant wait


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