Wednesday 6 August 2014

Exciting News ….. Roll Out The Red Carpet …..Marc’s Coming To Stay With Me!!!!

Tomorrow, Marc comes to stay with me for just over a week, I will collect him from Wolverhampton Station, prompt, when he arrives on the 12.37 train……  and from there on our adventure will begin …….. I don’t  know who is the more excited …… me and Marc or The Monkeys!  I have scrubbed the house like there is no tomorrow to meet with the de rigueur standards of Notting Hill ……. after finding me on my hands and knees cleaning the utility floor Lucy remarked that it was if the Queen was coming, to which I had to reply “But ”He” is!!!!”

Hobbycraft Bentley BridgeI have planned a very full and robust “Wolverhampton Staycation” for us,  although nothing is written in stone, we can change to suit our whim and mood ….. however we will start off on Friday with a trip to…… wait for it ….. Hobby Craft, Home Bargains and BM Bargains, followed by a buffet lunch at Cosmo at Bentley Bridge!  LOL, I know how to give a guy a good time, but for all of central London and it’s pleasures ……it does not have such delights …… (well, not without travelling out a fair way).  So Dianne will probably hear our girlie squeals in Florida! Hopefully, we will find a few bargains and treasures that we will be able to share and create a few projects with during Marc’s stay, that I can then post.

get-attachmentOther trips on the horizon are to Bridgenorth and Ironbridge, AND a nights stay in Shrewsbury ….. not only for it’s historical interests BUT for the QVC outlet shop where we plan to purchase a matching fleece wolf jacket each to cement our friendship even further ………

busHowever, no matter how heady our days may seem, all Marc has specifically requested is to travel on the Banga bus, but I have warned him that it could get bumpy and he may have to pay an all be it discounted fare as his bus pass may not actually cover “village” buses!!!!!

1782354_492956247477145_1755769379_oWhen we are taking things a little more gently, there are also the delights of the village to enjoy …. we shall be fine dining at the greasy spoon and the newly opened village “Kitchen”, as well as The Woodman and Codsall Spice ….. as I said, I know how to treat “my man”!  There is a Teddy Bear Hunt for which we are already entered, and one afternoon we are off to paint a plate/mug at the local Codsall Hive

hiveoutdoorI am hoping that at the end of each day and if we are not too tired, we can get together and write a post or two so that you can see what we’ve been up to …. so watch this space ….. HAPPY DAYS AHEAD!


  1. Hope you both have a fab time - cant wait to read about it xx

  2. I am excited to read about your adventures with Marc. I know you will have a fabulous time, and I'm thankful you're willing to share a wee bit of the fun with your readers.

  3. Hello, Helen - I tried several times to leave a comment on your blog, but Mr. Blogger was being nasty and wouldn't let me. Just wanted you to know how much I love reading about your adventures with Marc. I am especially looking forward to seeing photos and reading about Marc's upcoming visit to your home. It sounds like you have already made some fabulous plans for the two of you. Wish I was a fly on the proverbial wall and could share in all the fun! Have a wonderful time together. Cheers, Cheryl Winget

  4. Have a wonderful time - I quite like Wolverhampton, I did my first visit last year for the UK Marillion convention - mind you we didn't see much apart from pubs and bars as our daily meeting place before going to the Civic was the Moon Under Water and after the gigs we all fell into the Numa Bar. Just booked to do it all again next year - maybe next year we will get to take in some of the sights (I had better break it gently to Mr P that you have a Hobbycraft :D )

  5. Hi Helen,
    I have been a follower of your blog for some time now. I read about your long awaited trip to Las Vegas with interest as I have been lucky enough to have been before. Whilst there you visited a Walmart and a craft store could you tell me where these are and how you got there as i am going again in 12 days time and keen do some craft shopping. Thank You for taking the time to read this message.
    Jacqui Elliff

  6. Have a fabulous time Helen and Marc, I look forward to reading about your exploits

    Jackie and Bob

  7. Hi Helen. You are going to be busy aren't you! Have a great time with Marc. Take care.

  8. Long time lurker here, I am thrilled to bits to hear that Marc is popping up for a visit, the creativity that manifests itself when the two of you are together is unreal, I can't wait to see what you get up too! Hope you have a brilliant times!!


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