Wednesday 20 August 2014

My Attempt At A Marc Type Necklace

Following on from yesterday I think I may have overegged my first attempt at a charmed necklace, my usual rule is less is more, but I am afraid I didn’t stick to it and have just created what looks like a random, unstructured jumble of charms and beads.
altered necklace 3I wanted it to look interesting, but it’s a bit too much, and all those interesting bits have just got lost, but as Marc told me, with jewellery making if you don’t like what you have done you can just undo it and you will still have all the bits to do it all again!

altered necklace 4I started off with this necklace that was selling pieces for 3 for £1 and removed the ribbon that went through the chain ……
altered necklace 1beaded metal tassle
…… and replaced the small tassel with something a little bigger and more extravagant …….
steam punk charms……. but after that I am afraid I lost my way by adding too many large pieces, I wanted layers but in the end I got a tangled mess.
altered necklace 2So now I have photographed it, I am going to take certain bits off it, like the tree of life and see if I can arrange it a bit better (below).  I also need to practice opening and closing my jump rings, I don’t have the knack yet, and Marc makes it look so easy!
002I just need to keep practising!


  1. Hi Helen. Your first attempt is pretty good, don't put yourself down. I do get that the main pieces do get lost though, but like you say, just take them off and start again. Take care.

  2. I love looking at things on your blog! For the jump rings, hold either side of the opening with the pliers and twist in opposite directions (as though you are wringing out a cloth) repeat to close them, hope this helps, Amy

  3. dont panic and dont over think things you have a great eye and saw straight away what you did not like as we talked about if you like it then its fab and practice makes perfect with jump rings and headpins ect north to south never pull apart and making loops small wrist movements ps i like what you have done start large go smaller and hang from extra bits of chain so pleased your having a go big love marc

  4. Loved reading Marc's supportive comments. He's a gem! I'm looking forward to seeing what changes you make in this one. I have no eye at all for such things and could never have made anything that anyone would wear. Ever.


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