Tuesday 30 September 2014

Duvet Covers Of Desire

I have a bit of a thing about bright duvet sets …….
Fab bedding 2
Fab bedding 3
These sets were on Achica the other week and you will never know how much I lusted after them ……
fab bedding….. especially the last set ……If I had such a set (fortunatley or unfortunatley, well out of my price range) I would have been forced to linger and lounge in bed ….. perhaps forever …… feeling (if not looking) absolutely fab-uuuuuuu-lush!!!!!!


  1. Well, I think you deserve whichever one your heart desires. Go for it!

  2. they are gorgeous - I have just found your blog and am now a follower as I too am a stash/bargain hoarder/collector and need to do more using so will follow with interest for some inspiration.

  3. Hi Helen. Wow, they are bright and cheerful aren't they! Love them, especially the first set. How could you feel down when you wake up and look at any of these. Go on, treat yourself : ) Take care

  4. I prefer the first one. I have a thing for duvet covers too, been know to buy one to cheer myself up before now!


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