Thursday 25 September 2014

Look What’s Fallen Into My Poundshop Basket This Week ……. And Ended Up In My Craftroom

This week a pack of nail caviar sort of dropped into my basket while I was browsing the shelves of Poundland!
Poundshop Nail CaviarTwelve phials of caviar ….. or, if you are a crafter, micro-beads, but I was looking at them for possibly using them as charms on jewellery or as an embellishment on tags (I am still working on that idea),  The only thing I need to do to them is take out the stoppers and spray them gold as the plastic just aint working!
Whats on my desk wednesdayWith my mojo currently in overdrive my craft room is now being given a right old bending, for a while, when my mojo was flagging,  I admit to only using it to use my computer to write my Monkey blog.  Working in such a small area has taken some getting used, I confine a project to the turquoise mat,  with my tools etc. around me. When Marc was with me, we worked in the front room (as I do for large projects) and all the crafty stuff has to follow!
work deskBut, it does keep me disciplined and on track, I can’t get everything out and lay stuff all over the floor like I used to in my old room and I have to make sure everything is left tidy at the end of a crafting session …… that way everything feels fresh to start or continue a project the next day …..
003I do find having my A4 card/paper in stacks on the shelves instead of in drawers frustrating though, sometimes finding a sheet of card can be such a palaver, but as far as I can see, at the moment that’s the only way it can be done.
Columbo My Guilty PleasureBUT ……. since I discovered that I can indulge in my guilty pleasure Columbo on my tablet on demand ….. I can spend even longer in my craft room and crafting. Usually, on a Saturday afternoon rain stops play when there is a Columbo double bill on 5USA and I’d have to go downstairs to watch it ….. but now ……. now I can do both!!  Life just keeps on getting betterer and betterer!


  1. Hi Helen. I always buy these nail art packs. I often use them in the middle of flowers, it gives a lovely effect, amongst other projects. Sometimes the glass phials have cork stoppers, rather than the plastic stoppers, which I love. Haven't used any yet though! i wish I had a dedicated craft room, no matter how small. You are so lucky. Take care.

  2. A lot of people use magazine files for their card stock, you could lie them down on their back if you prefer your stacks flat. Or maybe office in trays, if you could find a job lot...

  3. Ha, ha Columbo for you, Motorway Cops for me :)

    Jackie and Bob

  4. Fantastic to see you back. You're not the only one with a Columbo addiction - love the Johnny Cash one.

  5. Hi! Been a while and I can only say YES! When you talk about using your tablet to watch shows in your craft space. It does keep me up in my craft space a lot longer. For me, it's whatever's on Netflix that I'm watching. Documentaries, Bojack Horseman, Orange is the New Black... :) And sometimes I just put on some footage of the view out of the International Space Station and look up occasionally. :) I did notice one thing from having some form of media going while I'm up here-- time sure does fly!


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