Monday 15 December 2014

Gingerbread Man Christmas Wreath

NO …… I didn’t make this, I wish I had, but my sewing is totally pants. It was made by The Lovely Donna in my office ….. I gave her some die cut felt gingerbread men and she just flew with the idea!!!
I am soooooo jealous, I want it so badly!!! Perhaps, even badly enough to want to start sewing!!!!!
Incidentally, the “naked” wreath came from Poundland …… I feel another shopping trip is imminent ….. they are well worth stocking up on for 2015 projects …..and not just for Christmas!


  1. Fun little wreath - perfect for adding some Christmas cheer to some small space.

  2. Hi Helen. A CAS wreath, I love it. Well done Donna. Maybe you could find some ready made gingerbread men to make your own wreath Helen? Take care. (A lady was moaning about the price -£3.99- of a plain wreath in Hobbycraft and I told her to look in Poundland, she was very grateful. Take care.

  3. a super job......... had a look and I have most colours except brown !!! typical!


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