Saturday 13 December 2014

Penguin Bottle Cap Christmas Tree Decoration & Penguin Tray Pendant

I am still experimenting with bottle caps v pendant tray tree decorations.  I have to admit that for the shabby, rough, handmade look the bottle caps win every time …… however, since the wearing of Christmas jumpers is limited at work to a half hour window of choice on the Christmas dinner rota …… I  intend to wear a few pieces of festive jewellery as a subtle gesture of protest in the run up to the end of term!  So for that, the festive pendant has its place!
I was rootling about in the boxes of bits I have on my craft room shelves and found these penguins left over from the good old days when Christmas stickers were really inspiring (and cute), and since penguins are very “in” this year, I had to use them.
I simply made backgrounds of sky and glittery snow using scraps of paper , and stuck them into the bottom of the bottle cap and pendant tray. Next came the penguin, followed by a good dousing of Anita’s 3D clear gloss finish, with the penguin liberally covered, but still standing slightly proud.
However, when they were set they lacked something, so I tentively added tiny hologram stars ….which really did add the festive sparkle they were lacking!
It’s too late now, but I am determined that when Christmas is over and I give my craft room the really good sort out it needs,  I am going to sort out a box of tiny things that either fit in a bottle cap or 1in pendant tray to make more of the same …… building up a collection of bits and pieces to sell, as I am determined to find a couple of craft fayres  next year, something I have never done and to chance my luck, and if I want my stalls to be swarming (????), I think I need to be selling stuff that no one else will have.


  1. Hi Helen. The bottle cap is my favourite. Any stall you have will bea sell out as you always come up with such great unusual items.
    Why on earth can't you wear Christmas jumpers as much as you want at work? Take care.

  2. Pretty. I too have been designing Christmas tree decorations with bottle caps and pendant trays - the pendant trays have sold well on my Etsy store and the bottle caps I sell at craft fairs as I don't charge as much for them - I've been using double sided pendant trays which also have two connecting loops (really for bracelets) and they've been great fun to design with beads and the like.

    I've just found your blog, so, er, hello! :)

  3. I love your cute penguins especially the bottle tops, well done fiddling with such tiny 'bits'


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