Wednesday 24 December 2014

‘Tis The Day Before Christmas

And nothing will be stirring inside this house!!!!!!
I think I have been doing Christmas more or less since January, starting with ideas using stuff I found reduced in the January sales, and now, I think, I deserve a few well earned days off!
…… And then, I need to pull my finger out and tidy my craft room, ready for the New Year as it is an absolute tip, nothing is in its place and I can’t find anything!
I have to say that my usual Poundshop hunting ground for festive inspiration has been a great disappointment this year when it’s come to finding bits and pieces to craft with ….. and as for stickers, my embellishment of choice for Christmas crafting …. forget it, save for the Paperchase robins that I think I did to death over the past few weeks!!! 
Anyway, have a lovely, lovely, lovely day tomorrow …… I shall be spending Christmas in Evesham with Tom, The Lovely Laura and Little Baby Iris ….. starting family new traditions,  but, I will still be leaving a light, if not a candle to shine in the large lantern in the garden, to remember all those special people who are no longer with us at Christmas, but whose spirit, I hope, will find us where ever we are.


  1. Helen~ I wish you a joyful Christmas surrounded with loving family and friends. Thank you for all that you share! May God bless you always.
    Feliz Navidad!!

  2. And a very happy Christmas to you, Helen! Thank you for all your wonderful posts during the year. I enjoy every one.

  3. Hi Helen. You certainly have been busy this year. Thank you so much for sharing it all with us, you are such an inspiration.
    Our loved ones are never far away but leaving a candle/light burning is a beautiful idea. Wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas. Take care.

  4. My craft room needs tidying too Helen. But it won't get done for a while as it's full of all the packing boxes for the Christmas decorations. Have a wonderful first Christmas with Iris - make many new memories for the future. Thank you for keeping your blog going - I love all your ideas and sometimes do my version of them. Merry Christmas!

  5. Happy Christmas Helen. Lovely words in your last paragraph; made me think.

    Jackie and Bob


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