Sunday 11 January 2015

Fluffy Snowman Bauble

Just as I predicted the Christmas sales are throwing up one or two little things that have inspired me for Christmas future, and so I put up no resistance.  Wilkos started to reduce their Christmas stuff by 50% a week before Christmas.  Last year their range was inspired, but this year it was not so hot.  I kept popping in and although I liked some bits and pieces, not enough to fork out full price for them …..
And so that’s how two boxes of six snowball baubles slipped into my basket, reduced from £2.50 to £1.25 ……. as I immediately knew they would be perfect for snowman baubles, much more realistic than the one I blogged earlier.
To make sure the eyes, nose (made from Fimo then baked) and mouth stuck I had to trimmed away a little of the fluff …… I then used E6000 glue to make sure everything stuck securely (and didn’t dissolve the polystyrene under the fluff as I had feared it might).
Perfect!  I used tiny black buttons for the eyes on this “trial” run, but I think for the eleven others I will use the same black flat backed gems as I used on the mouth instead.
I also availed myself of two felt sock Advent Calendars (£2.50 reduced from £5), perhaps not to craft with, although I can see the potential for a little more bling on those pegs and perhaps a button or two on the zig zag sewing  ……
…… plus a box of nine wooden houses (£3.50 reduced to £1.75)
…… which may also have the potential for a little glittering and a few tiny flat backed gems before being used as gift tags perhaps.  So watch this space!


  1. Those fluffy snowman ornaments are fantastic! I may have to try making some with flower soft and Styrofoam balls. They're so fun! Looking forward to see what you'll do with your new supplies, too. Love the way your mind never takes a straight path. he he

  2. Hi Helen. Good to see that you are finding some bargains. Love the snowmen, the fuzzy finish does make them look really good. Happy further bargain hunting : ) Take care.

  3. You have an amazing eye for a bargain and an even more amazing imagination for what to do with them. Wishing there was a Wilko near me.

  4. The snowman bauble is just so cute - much better than a plain snowball

  5. Love the sock idea for an advent calendar ...I know you will have many super ideas for these goodies!..... Dianne
    PS haven't been in Michael's since August when I made several trips for wooden dowels and went crazy buying summer clearance st 70 and 80% off!

  6. fab love the snowman its just to sweet lol i need one of those sock advent calendars big love marc


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