Wednesday 14 January 2015


Just to give you the heads up that Fiddle Fart posts will be every other day for a little while …… but with perhaps the odd, occasional extra post thrown in here and there. My life is about to take another turn …. let’s just say, that on Tuesday (yesterday) I handed in my notice at work ….. and I feel ten ton lighter and look a million times younger already,  though still prone to slight exaggeration! 


  1. Helen, I don't often comment but I always read and enjoy your blog....but this time I HAD to comment! I work in a school too, and after a very unhappy time I finally took the plunge and resigned yesterday. Like you, I feel a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm positive that it's looking brighter every moment. Good luck with whatever you do xx

  2. cant wait a new path a new adventure all things are possible spring is on its way and change is good big love marc

  3. Congratulations on biting the bullet and doing what your heart told you to do! It's a big decision, but I am certain you gave it serious thought before taking this big step. I retired from my work at the end of June 2014. That was a big step for me, too. They really wanted me to stay, but I felt in my heart it was the right time to go. I really didn't earn that much, so working another year would not have made a big difference in our retirement funds. There's more to life than money, anyway, right?

  4. Hi Helen. Sometimes we have to stop and think about what is really important to us. The very best of luck with whatever the future holds for you : ) Take care.

  5. Good luck Helen - wishing you well on whatever path life leads you on xx

  6. All the best for the future, hugs Bee

  7. I think your description of how you feel now shows it was the right thing to do...well done!
    All the best for whatever the future holds x

  8. I'm sure it was a tough decision to make. Good luck for the future.

  9. Best of luck wherever the future takes you x

  10. Well done Helen.....13th January was a day of change for me too, I've never resigned from a job before .......but like you.....I did the same! Good luck, love Anj x x x

  11. Corageous but important big step forward.....will be thinking of you and all that lies ahead!.... Hooray for all the future holds for Nanny Helen!!!...much Love, Dianne

  12. Congratulations, Helen, wishing you all the best on your future. xxx

  13. I'm so very pleased for you Helen, you've done something that hundreds of us ponder on every day, but as one chapter closes another opens! If you decide to share it with us I'm looking forward to hearing where your new chapter takes you and we all know your days will never be empty!

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xox

  14. PS I can live with a post every other day just as long as you are happy!

    Big hugs Roni :D xox


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