Friday 20 February 2015

A New Source For Pretzel Bags

A while ago I think I mentioned that I couldn’t find my usual source of pretzel bags on eBay, the ones I used for Elizabeth Shaw mints ……
…….. Well, I have now found a brilliant eBay shop, thanks to one of my lovely, lovely followers, so really, I cannot take any credit for the finding …. however, I have lost the original e-mail which included the link, so I cannot thank that person by name in this post ….. but THANK YOU SO MUCH on behalf of myself and others who might use the link.
I ordered packs of 50 2” x 8” (£1.85)  and 2”x 7” (£1.80) with free P & P.  They are excellent quality, arrived within days and are perfect for what I need them for! 
The cello bags come in 17 sizes, so well worth a look.  I could now do with ordering some 3” x 4” bags which are a brilliant size for packaging wish bracelets etc. or 
This is just a personal “heads up”, I have had no communication with Yolli other than my order, I just liked what I found!!!


  1. Hi Helen. As always I look forward to seeing what you fill these with : ) Thank you for passing on the link, I have found just what we have been after on this site : )
    Take care.

  2. What a coincidence - that is the same shop that I ended up at when I found the original suppliers that you use to link to, weren't there anymore. I have had several batches from them, so I can vouch that they are good quality

  3. great link thanks need to get some bags so will be placing a order big love marc

  4. great good luck cause your treat bag creations are always so wonderful ......Dianne

  5. Hello from all @
    Thank you for your lovely review!


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