Monday 16 February 2015

Hand Painted Mug – Porcelain Painter Pen

Well I say hand painted ….. which suggests that I used a paint brush, but really  I used a black Marabu Porcelain Painter pen, but the title sounds much more posh, skilled and artistic doesn’t it?????!!!!
When I saw the mug in discountUK, with it’s classy back inside, I just had to have it (well, I bought two, but the other one will probably appear later on in another guise) and for 99p, it had to be done.
My source of inspiration was a bowl I bought in a charity shop when Marc stayed with me in the summer, which I think was also 99p.It was like the mug was made for a similar design. Once “painted” the mug had to be baked in the oven for 30 minutes at 160F and should now be dishwasher proof and ready for me to take to work for my coffee!


  1. It's a fabulous cup! Your coffee will taste SO much better in this beauty.

  2. Gorgeous,and has it's a one off nobody else has an excuse for using it.
    Lynne x

  3. The bowl may well have been your inspiration but the mug looks classier with it's black interior - I love it!

  4. Hi Helen. What a great idea to make matching crockery. It looks very professional. Take care.

  5. How great the mug came with the black interior .......simple but has a festive happy look to it..... love your wonderful sense of design that is always just right!...Dianne


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