Friday 27 March 2015

This Week………. Birthday Matchboxes

This week I have been mainly making birthday matchboxes using the Tim Holtz matchbox die cuts Marc sent me a while back with Paperchase stickers and Craftwork Card birthday sentiments.
They are a bit of a market research/experiment to see how they go in the staffroom at work ….. something a bit different from a card …..
If they go well, it will probably encourage me to make more for the craft markets/fayre  I can hopefully find and frequent in Evesham in the coming months.


  1. Please do let us know on your blog how these go in the staff room. I'm always interested in what paper crafts people are interested in. I think they look fantastic. They certainly would catch my eye if I worked there!

  2. those are fab love them something different from a card and you can put a small gift in to big love marc

  3. those are fab love them something different from a card and you can put a small gift in to big love marc

  4. I know your ideas for these attractive and fun boxes will be coming fast and furious!.....they should sell quickly ....all of your designs and ideas are the best and Evesham is certain to have a craft market that will be just right for you.....Dianne


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