Monday 13 April 2015

New House Card

These cards measure 5ins x 5ins and are made using a white linen effect, hand cut card blank. 
These cards use the printed Fimo house embellishments I featured a couple of posts back, scraps of paper and trees that come from a set of Paperchase stickers.
Printed fimo House embellishments[4]_thumb
I thought it best to try and use the Fimo house embellishments as soon as I could, otherwise they ran the risk of just “disappearing”. I started with the picture panel, which measures 2.5ins square, creating a “country” background using scraps of paper and faux stitching.  The panel was then mat and layered on a larger 3.5in plain square, and attached with foam stickers to the card blank for extra dimension. 
When I added the house, something was missing, there was too much space around it, and then I remembered some Paperchase stickers I had, that I thought might contain trees that could be in proportion.  They were!  I don’t usually like to mix mediums when it comes to embellishments, something about the effect jars with me,  but the trees were perfect because of their matte finish and the black outlines, which both mirrored the houses.  I had got away with it!
I am so chuffed with the results and have a few stamps that I think might also suit the same Fimo treatment.  …… And the Paperchase stickers, now I have opened the pack?  A set of nine square cards …. to follow!


  1. Hi Helen. I love the matchbox "You passed" project. I hope you manage to find some chocolate cars.
    The Fimo houses look great along side the tree stickers. Two lovely projects, thanks for sharing them. Take care.

  2. Ooooh, this is a perfect new home card. Love the little scene, and, of course, our faux stitching brings it all together.

  3. love the cards its fab big love marc

  4. Hi Helen, I haven't been by for a while. Your stamped Fimo houses are absolutely perfect for the New Home card! I know just what you mean about mixing embellishment types. It jars terribly with me too. It's hard to get similar proportion and design style from different ranges. Which is why I have to spend so long 'fiddle-farting' on my cards! You did well with these Paperchase trees!

  5. A really perfect has wonderful dimension and the inset picture is lovely!....Dianne


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