Tuesday 23 June 2015

Summer Time Heads Up ……

If you are thinking about making small bags of sweets together for summer fayres etc. popping into Poundland might be a good idea as they have some nice “seaside” themed sweets.
If I was still at work, I would definitely be putting a “Happy Holidays” fairing together for the staff I worked with ……. might be an idea for the little ones to give to their teacher without breaking the bank …..
I would get them to draw or collage a seaside picture on one side of a postcard, with a “Happy Holiday” message on the back and then punch a hole in the corner, threading one or two of the dummies on a ribbon through the hole to attach to the card. Simples!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Helen. Great idea, one for my Beaver Scouts to try. Take care


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