Sunday 6 December 2015

Farewell Dear Faithful Friend …..

My faithful old mini X Cut guillotine finally gave up the ghost in the middle of November, we must have been together for at least 15 years. I don’t think it could have cost me more than £6.50 or thereabouts ……. so it owed me nothing.
It took me a while to find a replacement, which turned out to be a little bigger (below) from Amazon, the Tonic Studios 8.5-Inch Guillotine Paper Trimmer, it cost me £19.00, which made me blanch a little, but it cuts like a dream.
IMG_6899Tonic also do a mini 6in version, which probably, with hindsight, is the same size as my old one, however I am not sure if it is readily available in the UK, all the ones I have found so far seem to be in the US, although it has been featured on Create And Craft over here ….. but I am quite happy with what I have got …….for the time being!!!!!


  1. Sounds like you got your money's worth out of your old cutter. Not many tools last that long. Hope your new one is as reliable.

  2. I can't have one at home because I don't want the kids to find it so I am stuck with using the one at college

  3. Well I never. Just done exactly the same thing. The new one is so much more accurate I wish I had changed it a while ago.
    I am loving your Blog.

  4. i have a bout 9 different trimmers and guillotines and usually end up using a scalpel and metal ruler i love the perfect layers rulers you get a perfect layer every time big love marc

  5. Poor little guy!! But I'm glad you found a replacement Helen, albeit a little pricey, fingers crossed this one lasts you just as long!!

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xox


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