Tuesday 1 December 2015

Iris’s Little, Wooden Decopatch Bike

I’ve done it …….
……. as I told you last month, thirty odd years ago Tom had a little, wooden Galt bike for Christmas, it “did” for him and Lucy for five/six years and then it was put away. 
IMG_6365Several years later a nephew and two nieces came along, it was duly done up, and “did” for them too, but when they had all outgrown it, I had the foresight to ask for it back and it has been sat sitting in the garage ever since for about twenty years.
Then, Iris came along, and my thoughts again returned to the little bike, “if” I could get some new wheels, “if” they still did them after all this time, then I could “do” it up yet again for Iris’s 2015 Christmas present, and as I also said last month, when I contacted Galt they still had the wheels so for just £10, I was rock and rolling!!!!! My plan was coming together!All I had to do was get my brightest Decopatch papers out and start gluing.  It was fiddly, there were hardly any straight lines and there seemed to be so many little steps and round bits to work round, but in the end I would say it took me about three hours, from start to finish, including tea breaks.
This was then followed layer upon layer of clear, quick drying varnish …. so many I lost count, but I wanted it to be as durable as possible.
Et voila, it’s now all done and dusted waiting for perhaps an  little L Plate and for Santa to deliver it ……. I am soooooooooo chuffed with it, you’ll never know!!


  1. WOW....... it looks stunning, so many hours will be spent playing on this super bike.New wheelsstill in production after so long, well done Gault.

  2. How fabulous, lucky Lucy!!! I hope it goes down a storm :)

  3. It. Looks. Amazing! You have done a spectacular job, and Iris is going to LOVE it! Christmas is going to be extra special for her (and you) this year. Congrats on a job well done!!!

  4. Wow, better than new! Who knew that these little trikes could last as long as this one. It may be a world record. You have done a stunning job and Iris is going to love it. Three hours is unbelievable you must have worked like a demon - it often takes me longer to make a card!

  5. This looks brilliant & I'm sure Baby Iris will love using it.


  6. So bright and colourful and I love the new wheels you got for it!! Wow, they look robust!

    You've done a grand job Helen, wee Iris will have loads of fun and so will your other grand babies to come!

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xox


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