Saturday 2 January 2016

………. Too Exciting For Words ……..

eurovisionAs you may have realised I, along with three monkeys are mahoooooooosive fans of the Eurovision Song Contest, as is Marc’s partner Rick.  Last year we both tried so hard to get tickets, I even played hookey from work to make sure I was on the ticket hotline as it opened, not once, but twice, to hell with the consequences (my mind was already made up to leave anyway!!!), but tickets sold out within 20 mins, so that was that, we resigned ourselves to the three of us watching it in Worcester together in the Christopher family retreat …… where Marc put so much booze in every single layer of his chocolate trifle, I felt that I could almost sing all the entries in their native tongue!!!
Stockholm Globe ArenaSo back in November I hadn’t given tickets for the 2016 contest much thought, it seemed too early, but imagine how I felt when Rick text me this message ……….
IMG_7613OMG?  Interested? Hmmmm I need to check my diary …………. not!! It seems that Rick joined a fan site that gave him prior warning of the sale ……..
IMG_7615I was so excited I nearly stopped breathing ……. but it was still an anxious wait for both of us as Rick awaited the official confirmation …….
IMG_7617It’s not the final final on the Saturday night, it’s the Jury Final on the Friday night, so it’s minus the voting, but Rick decided that if tried to get final tickets, he would probably not get them and then get locked out of the site, only to have to try all over again and risk not getting any tickets for any show at all!  But this also means that we can still watch the event in Stockholm and be amongst the crowds.
With the tickets bought I set about booking a hotel, I think Rick was a little surprised at my speed of my work, but I reasoned  that everyone else would be doing the same and prices would certainly soar if we cleft it much longer, however, should we find a better deal in the ensuing months then I can canceI   ……
However, I think I may happen to burst before then!!!!!


  1. SO happy for you! I hope you'll post all the details on your blog after the event. I've never been to anything like that, so I'd love to know how it goes. Have fun!!

  2. Oh well done both of you! I know how much you love Eurovision. My equivalent wish would be to be at the New Year's Day concert in Vienna. It's been my New Year's tradition for many, many years to watch it on BBC2 every New Year's day and I never tire of seeing it. Have a wonderful time and I hope the days fly by so you won't have to wait too long!

  3. How wonderful - you will love Stockholm, it is a very beautiful city and i am sure you will have much fun watching it on the big screens with the crowd - I will keep an eye out for you whilst watching on TV, we are big fans in our family

  4. like kids in a sweet shop i could hear the screams a mile away all i can say is watch out stockholm lol they will have so much fun big love he who must stay home and wash dishes and clean floors and sweep chimneys marc lol

  5. Have I missed something or are you not doing the monthly posts on the 1st now? Karen x

  6. Hope you are all ok.........miss you and your blog

    Jackie and Bob


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