Thursday 26 January 2017

Guest Crafter – Iris Roo With Her Gary and Mary Scarecrows.

Today’s guest crafter is Iris Roo …….
IMG_0447This “work of art” came about the other Wednesday, on Wednesdays I pick Iris up from nursery, we lunch out, usually at Moos Moos and then go back to The Towers for some “our time”.
On this occasion Iris spotted some wooden coffee stirrers and after carefully studying them, decided she wanted to make a scarecrow when we got in, that’s my girl!!!
Those stirrers were never been held so tightly as we trundled home, this was a little girl with a definite idea in her head.
When we got home we sat at the table and I was “told” to make a scarecrow and madam watched patiently as I cobbled together a frame with the said stirrers and masking tape, and then I suggested the first thing he needed was a head, we were off and running, we were making “Gary”.
Gary need a mouth, then eyes and a nose (which I had to draw, because Iris said she couldn’t), this was followed by a coat, a hat, boots and gloves, bless her. It was my idea to add stickers, as stickers are a very definite activity of choice.
IMG_0441Iris has a huge concentration span and I could see Iris wasn’t finished, so again I suggested Gary needed somewhere to be, so we put him in a field. I suggested a sky and then some grass but couldn’t believe it when she added them …… and as for the stems for the flowers, again suggested, oh my goodness!IMG_0443And then, we had to start all over again as Iris wanted to make Mary. Iris watches very little TV, but she has seen a little bit of the Muppet Movie which has Gary and Mary as the human characters, and when Iris isn’t being Iris, she is being Mary.  Iris was also definite that Mary’s dress was left white
IMG_0447The picture was complete when Gary and Mary were positioned on the paper holding hands, and the spaces filled in with more “drawing” and flower stickers until she was happy.
We must have been working for well over an hour, it almost bought tears to my eyes. I am so glad I took the pictures as we went along, I have neglected The Project Life album I started when Iris was born, so I am hoping they will be the kick start I need to try to get it up to date.  Happy, Happy Days!


  1. Iris is such a beauty and so is her creation! Had to laugh because my DH's name is Gary. :)

  2. Perfect collection of photos to start a scrapbook page, lovely piece of artwork & great use of wooden stirrers. I use them for spreading glue!


  3. Fabulous time spent with Iris and she is so cute concentrating on her artwork. Some lovely photos for your album.
    Toni xx

  4. wow, definately a chip off the old block, a very good crafter in the making, she has done well with the stickers AND for seeing another use for coffee stirers! (she will love these pictures as she gets older )

  5. So sorry I've neglected to comment for a while - life getting in the way again. How fabulous are these scarecrows! This little apple didn't fall far from the tree, did she? I hope to be able to enjoy times like these when my granddaughter is old enough to hold a crayon without eating it!

  6. Oh superb!!! and taking photos througout, such special memories. Enjoy every minute.
    My eldest great nephew made me a soft foam bracelet, it hangs in my kitchen for me to see on a daily basis.

    Keep crafting

    Jackie and Bob

  7. Helen - I can see that the Fiddle Fart gene has been passed on!! This is wonderful.

  8. i love it she has her nans eye and talent but you and i are of to the pound shop for her own pens and pencils and not your lovely ones lol big love marc

  9. Iris has definitely inherited your wonderful creative streak! Her picture is just marvellous and the memories of you making it with her are treasure beyond words.
    Our grandson Harry was 3 last week, and my favourite times with him are making jam tarts (or "Nanny's Pankies" as he calls them!!)

  10. So sweet and yes you must take pictures but get them into the scrapbook so that you both can look back on it and smile!!

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xox


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