Tuesday 24 January 2017

January Furniture 2017 – NEC Birmingham

I am sooooooooo cross with myself!
IMG_0513On Friday and Saturday I was with Ian (Marc’s partner and my Eurovision companion in Stockholm) http://www.furniturepresentations.com/ as part of his team  at The January Furniture Show 2017, and despite having my camera tucked into my bra at all times, I failed to take any of the “money” shots I wanted to share on this post,  I just can’t believe it! We never stopped in those two days, in my mind I was taking the pictures, but my camera says otherwise. We were so busy, getting my camera out, especially on the second day was the furthest thing on my mind, despite being in such a visual environment! 
I wanted to show you how Ian can transform a large, empty space into something so wonderful you actually believe it’s the real thing, this year he transformed the VIP hospitality areas into an American Speakeasy, A Glitzy Piano Bar and Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory ……… and all I have to show are a few very basic “before” pictures…….. aghhhhh    
For these areas Ian had hired or purchased hundreds of props, too many to mention, from tables, chairs, sofa’s, desks, chaise longs, curtains, huge ice cream cones, flowers, plants, and the most massive and beautiful chandelier ever  …….. and what did I get? ….. ziltch!
All  I have got are a few pictures of the two stands that Fiona, Lynn and I dressed.
…… and these are not really the finished results, most of the flowers and plants hadn’t been added, the black bowls above were filled with red primulas and the catkins in white vases moved against the wall on a box not seen in the shot.
I would be really ***p as a insightful cub reporter!
What can I say ……
IMG_0497I am as useful as just one of the many huge piles of rubbish that filed all the gangways as furniture and props were unwrapped and before the cleaners came in to clear it all, ready for the carpet to be laid throughout the massive site, across five halls.
IMG_0508rug cleaner
The two three things I will take away with me this year are:- that I learned how to wire a gerbera and use a VAX ………..oh, and when I got to my daughter’s house in Wolverhampton on Saturday evening, I feared I might never be able to move again!
On Saturday morning before we left for the NEC, I did manage to take a few frosty pictures from the Cottage in Worcester as the sun was coming up  ………
IMG_0502It was looked so magical.


  1. Don't be too hard on yourself - we've all been there. I'm awful at getting photos of special events. Like you, I'm usually so busy that pausing for a photo shoot is the farthest thing from my mind. I did appreciate the photos you shared of the event. It's sounds like an immense undertaking!

  2. Helen Ask Rick for photos he will have lots i am sure as i think they do the show ones as well he can email you some big love marc ps he said how hard you had worked and what a fab job you had done you are on the A team big love marc

  3. Oh Helen, don't beat yourself up! It shows how busy you were and I've loved seeing the ones you posted here anyway. I might not always comment but I always, always read your posts and also those of the 'boys' of course. Thank you for blogging again - we missed you.

    Love from 'Stickybeak' - snort :)

  4. A fabulous collection of photos even if you didn't get the ones that you had intended. We all have good intentions to capture these things but time flies, we're busy and before we know it the event has been & gone and we don't have the photos we hoped for. The ones you have shared are great and I love the frosty photos.
    Toni xx


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Occasionally I get comments on posts from several years ago, again, I have to apologise, copies of TEMPLATES etc. that I once offered are now NO LONGER AVAILABLE, when my last computer died, I lost everything and decided not to replace any them.