Tuesday 10 January 2017

Little Wooden House Christmas Tree Decorations

Following on from yesterday’s charity shop finds, I have started to use some of buildings I found in the bag of bricks I got for just 40p. 
wooden house Christmas Tree Decoration 3In all there were nine of these houses in the bag.
wooden house brickwooden brick house toy
As you can see from the first picture (above), the houses are quite small and what I was going to do with them depended on whether I could securely screw a tiny eye hook into the roof, which, as you can see was a success.
wooden house tree decoration
Wooden house Christmas Tree Decorationtiny paper house fronts
I started off by making new front and backs for the houses, using scraps from a Forever Friends 6” x 6” Christmas paper pad because the tiny proportions of the patterns were perfect for the house size.  I cut out and stuck down the doors and windows and then doodled on them with a black fine liner pen, but as I doodled the more detailed the design got, as I added curtains and a tiny weeny clear flat backed gem door knob.  When I was all detailed out, I glued a matching front and back to each brick using PVA glue.
Wooden house Christmas Tree Decoration 6When the front and backs were dry, I put translucent micro fine glitter on the roofs to give them a proper Christmassy sparkle.
Wooden House Christmas Tree Decoration. 1Then, I couldn’t help myself fiddle farting again, by adding a window to each side of the house. Et voila, all that is needed is a hanging thread, but I will leave that until nearer Christmas (2017!!!)
As there are only nine houses, I think all these will be destined to be put in a small pack along with other tree decorations I plan to make throughout the year.  I tend to make tree decorations to give instead of cards to family and friends, something they can keep, unlike most cards.  It is also something that is very important for me to do for Iris and Bertie, so that they each have a box of treasures made by Nanny Nell, collected over the years, which they will then, perhaps, put on the tree with their own children sometime in the dim and distant future.


  1. Oooooh, these turned out beautifully! You accomplished your vision for them, and your grandchildren will have Christmas treasures for decades to come.

  2. Wow-the bargain houses look brilliant.you really do have a knack for finding great bargains.


  3. They have turned out lovely Helen.
    Toni xx

  4. these are stunning, wish my mind worked like yours lol....and to have them passed on to the children they will become really treasured gifts

  5. Such a lovely idea. Beautiful decorations!

  6. Such a lovely idea, beautiful decorations and so simple

  7. one of my favs just love them big love marc


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