Sunday 1 January 2017

New Years Day 2017

I ended 2016 and started 2017 in the most perfect way possible …….
Bertie Boo
……. with Iris, Bertie and my daughter Lu for a New Year Sleepover.  The little ones came over to play on Saturday, to give Mum and Dad a chance to get the house straight and have five minutes to themselves. 
Bertie's fingers
Bertie is too young for a sleepover, but he tried his best during the day, bless him.  I really could eat him!
But Iris is quite a dab hand at a girlie night and she stayed over!  In the afternoon I let her look at the treasures in my jewellery box.
dressing up jewellry box.
We had our favourite lunch and tea, a very splashy bath, watched Room On The Broom, all together and then Lu and I drew lots for who would tell Iris a bedtime story (or two or three).  It was heaven!
dressing up box..dressing up box
And then, there she was all bright eyed and bushy tailed to wake Auntie LuLu and I up on the first morning of a brand new year …………and, it don’t get any better than that! 
So, no New Years Resolutions for 2017, after 2016 all I want are 365 normal, humdrum days, where nothing comes to bite me on the bum …………… BUT if anything dares, I promise I will bite it back with gnashers so sharp it really won’t know what bit it!!!


  1. Awwww, our grandbabies are just too, too precious! Beautiful children!!! Happy New Year to you, Helen. Hope no nasty creature DARES to bite you in the bum in 2017!

  2. Happy New Year. Iris looks a treat in your jewellery-might be your make up next.


  3. A perfect day ...... love to you all for good health and happiness in 2017
    Tilly x

  4. Sounds like you had the perfect New Years Eve.
    Happy New Year Helen and may 2017 be a great one for you.
    Toni xx

  5. Happy New Year Helen, a perfect start for you I hope this year is kind to you
    love Sue xx

  6. What lovely pictures! A very happy and creative 2017 to you and yours, Helen. xx Nicky{Creative Flourishes}

  7. Ha ha love it Helen! Happy New Year from my crazy grandbabies filled house to yours! Wishing you lots of sunshine and happy times in 2017!

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xox


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