Wednesday 18 January 2017

Riverside Towers Now Has A Tiled Kitchen Area!

I have to be honest, the kitchen area doesn’t really look all that different now it has been tiled, it just looks “properly” finished off and will hopefully be more practical to keep clean rather than when it was just painted.
retiled kitchen topps TilesThe cupboards are a very glossy pale cream colour so I went for a simple, off white, textured tile as a contrast.  Tiles from Topps TilesThe work took a little longer than expected as I went and chose small 10cm x 10cm tiles!
kitchen before tilingbefore tiling kitchen
So, that’s the kitchen done although I think a new built-in cooker and hob are on the cards for later this year, I just need a bit of advice before taking the plunge as I want to change the hob from gas to electric. I have never had gas before and it frightens me! It’s at times like this when I miss Ade who had helped me so much over the past four years getting The Castle ready to sell, he was so dependable and would tell me exactly what I needed to do or get in a language I understood!
retiled kitchen areaOnce tiled and back to normal I blitzed the cupboards again, paring everything down, questioning all the contents and how often I actually use them,  I mean, how many mugs does a woman living on her own actually need?
The flat was exactly six years old when I bought it, the kitchen cupboards should see me out ……. but if ever I had money too squander recklessly I would consider replacing them, especially for cupboards that went right to the ceiling, the gap is such a waste of storage potential and would, without said gap alleviate the need to climb up on high to clean the top. ……. but that’s me just being spoilt and picky!


  1. I love the little splashes of red I see in your kitchen. It's such a nice neutral color that you can use any color you want for contrast. But it's also beautiful just the way it is.

  2. Looking lovely Helen.
    Everything seems to be coming together as you want it.
    Toni xx

  3. looks geat now, if only I could throw stuff out I do not really use anymore !! lol

  4. Could you spray paint some baskets to match the cupboards and use those to fill the gaps? Alternatively, cling film laid on top of the cupboard reduces the cleaning chore - just peel it off when it gets dusty! Good to see you back blogging and I've enjoyed seeing your new home

  5. Love seeing your new home and all your crafting ideas. I decided to get a gas hob and electric oven as sometimes here in the Lake district we get power cuts so the gas hob is very handy. I can light it with matches if the power is off and cant use automatic.


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