Sunday 26 February 2017

Framed Jewelled Christmas Tree Christmas Ornament

Following on from yesterday I decided that the jewelled Christmas tree was a little to heavy and clunky looking for a card, but decided to make them a more permanent Christmas decoration by putting it in a box frame.
Jewelled Christmas Tree in Box Frame Christmas DecorationI decided to try it in a deep box frame from The Range, I’ve had a couple in my cupboard for quite a while, but they still have them in stock. At £1.49 each, they cost less than most shop bought cards.
Framed Jewelled Christmas Tree in Box Frame Christmas DecorationFramed Christmas Tree
The frames measure 10.6 x 10.6 cms. As there was a ugly sticker on the back, that I couldn’t remove I decided to keep with the theme and cover it with a scrap of snowflake printed paper and add a message (talk about being ready for Christmas early!).
Jewelled Christmas Tree in Box Frame Christmas Decoration,1I will give a couple of these instead of cards to special people as a lasting memory of Christmas that can continue to be used in years to come, but will be also keeping a couple for myself for my own festive shelves this year.  When I am next in The Range I will also get a few more to put away, as I am sure I will have a couple more similar ideas in the coming months.


  1. Pretty decoration for the holidays! I love your idea about the note on the back. Who knows...years from now little Iris's great grandchild may inherit one of these and wonder who made it. Your little note will be a fabulous reminder of his or her crafty ancestor.

  2. Brilliant idea-a lasting gift and such a bargain.


  3. This looks like the perfect way of using those pretty little trees.
    Toni xx

  4. This is great Helen such a clever idea.


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