Monday 27 March 2017

Not Enough Time ……..A Charity Shop Treasure ……. And A Bathroom Quandary!

Before I went off to the NEC and spent few days in Wolverhampton I made sure I had enough posts scheduled to cover my time away, plus an extra day or two to cover me while I got back into routine, however on my return said routine went askew as Laura hasn’t been well, and when you get a call for an extra pair of hands, your craft table just has to be abandoned mid flow…….
Easter Crafting TableSo, for a while, while I try to catch up with everything, I think I will only be able to post every other day for a while, I’ve done it in the past and it’s worked well. It’s lovely when I can post every day, but it’s a huge commitment, so if I am not here every day, don’t panic, I just need to do some housework!
50p Hoe50p hoe 3
However, to fill today  …… last Monday I had to go to the doctors and dentist in quick succession, but still had time to nip into one charity shop and found 50p bargain!  It’s a beautifully put together, old fashioned hoe which I needed desperately …….
  Nettles 1nettles
I don’t have a garden of my own, but the communal strip at the back of the flat has a fence and below that a bank running down to the river, in the nine months I’ve been here it hasn’t been touched, until my next door neighbour and I blitzed the nettles that had grown so tall they blocked our view considerably.  Well, the nettles and weeds are growing back again, and I want to keep on top of them, which is why I had been looking for a hoe.
50p hoe 150p hoe 4
It’s a bit like something out of Harry Potter, the handle is made from a branch, but it appears to have been used so much over the years that it’s worn smooth and the top has become rounded, for just 50p it’s a treasure.
Tiles 2And finally……. my recent trip to Ikea has reignited my “fantasy” of having a Moroccan style en-suite shower and/or main bathroom.  These tiles were in an Ikea kitchen display ……. it was love at first sight ……..
Tiles……. the shower cubicle in my shower room would look so beautiful done like this …….. I don’t suppose it would hurt to just get a teensy weensy quote would it ???????


  1. It looks like you've got something gorgeous in progress on your craft table. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. Your new hoe looks like it belongs in a museum--that handle is so cool! And I say, go ahead and get that quote. What could it hurt...and it won't cost anything...yet.

  2. I've seen very similar tiles in b&q for a reasonable price


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