Monday 10 April 2017

Iris and Bertie’s Easter Bunny Lollypop Stick Picture Frames

After having never used lollypop sticks in my crafting before, I think I am in serious danger of getting addicted!
Popstickle Stick Easter Bunny Picture FrameThese are two bunny picture frames I have made for Iris and Bertie for their invitations to Easter Lunch chez moi, followed by an Easter Egg Hunt, an Egg and Spoon Race and giant frog tiddlywinks in the garden, at the back of my flat.
Popsickle Stick aster Bunny Picture FrameI first coloured the lolly sticks with a green and yellow Sharpie pen and then glued them together with PVA glue to make the frame.
Pop EastPOpsickle Stick Easter Bunny Picture Frame 1Pop Easter b
I stuck the background scene onto a scrap of strong white card to strengthen it, not wanting curious fingers to poke right through.  I added a square of self adhesive magnet on the back too, as one of the walls in their hall is painted with magnetic paint.
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I then built up the pictures by adding bunny bodies etc. before adding the self adhesive, felt heads and carrots (from Yellow Moon), and then lots and lots of faux stitching in white gel and black fine liner pens.
Popsickle Stick Easy Bunny Picture Frame yqA handwritten sentiment finishes off the design, but can be removed after Easter.
Popsickle Stick Easter Bunny Picture Frame ywwI now have quite a few more ideas for lolly stick frames …….. I am already thinking calendars and Save The Date fridge magnets.


  1. Both ideas are fantastic , looking forward to seeing what else you create.


  2. what a great idea and an unusual invitation!

  3. Have Bertie and Iris seen them yet? They're so cute. I think they'll love putting them on their magnetic wall and repositioning them from time to time. This is such a fun idea!


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