Tuesday 16 May 2017

Christmas Snowman Altered Domino Christmas Tree Decoration

I found a box of “proper” white dominos in a charity shop for £1.99, well, it would have been rude not to buy them. I have seen dominoes used for making pendants and decorations with stunning results before and thought that this would be my opportunity to experiment on a budget.
snowman domino 3Compared to other ideas I have seen this is very amateur attempt, but it’s a start.
Christmas Domino ArtI started by directly stamping on the domino using StazOn ink, let’s just say it took quite a few attempts to get it right, and the image is still not as crisp as I would have liked.  If I were to want to use a stamp on a domino again I am afraid I would create the whole scene on a piece of paper cut to size, which I would then glue to the domino. The StazeOn wouldn’t completely come off the dominos from my unsuccessful stamping attempts, but no doubt I will find ways of covering it up on later projects.
Christmas Domino Decoration Domino ArtChristmas Domino 1
Once successfully stamped I coloured in the image, added the sky with a Sharpie pen, with added silver stars and snow using  translucent micro glitter, followed by a good layer of Ranger Glossy Accents.
snowman dominosnowman domino 1
Once the Glossy Accents was set, I put a narrow strip of silver adhesive foil round the edges of the domino, it went on like a dream!  I then drilled two tiny holes at the top and the bottom of the piece to hold two equally tiny eye screws.
snowman domino tI used E6000 glue to help secure and keep the eye screws in place.  Using a split ring I attached a snow flake charm to the bottom screw loop. I now need to find some very narrow white or blue ribbon to thread through the top screw, with perhaps a small bow and/or tiny jingle bells, so that it will then be ready to hang on a Christmas Tree or used as a tag on a parcel.

1 comment:

  1. Fun holiday decoration. They'd also look great on a gift.


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