Friday 19 May 2017

My First Order From Every Crafts A Pound

While I was staying with Marc a few weeks ago, he told me about Every Crafts A Pound, and as I am always up for a bargain I thought it would be rude not to have a look ….. and despite an iron will, I put in an order!  Having looked at the items they had on sale I have a feeling that I may have bought a couple of things from them at the Hobbycraft Show at the NEC, as some things looked familiar. I was especially pleased to see that they had the cardboard rings and hearts that I kicked myself for not buying at the time, as I have had a few ideas for seasonal door wreaths since then. IMG_2460When the box arrived it was crammed, it was just like Christmas as I had forgotten some of the things I had ordered,  in all I received 46 items (some duplicated), with prices ranging from 25p to £3, so I am well chuffed. (P & P free on orders £40 – I didn’t spend quite that much)
IMG_2463I ordered quite a lot of patterned paper pads and packs, as the prices were so good, I especially love First Edition papers because of the quality and designs, but I always baulk at the price (when not reduced) but at £2 and £3 I am not going to argue.
IMG_2469I presume that some of the papers and ranges may be discontinued (?), but though there are trends in crafting/card making, for me paper and embellishments have no use by date. I ordered, subconsciously, quite a few bits from the Paris inspired Tonic Studio and Dovecraft ranges because I just like the romantic, subtle coloured theme as well as having a thing about the Eiffel Tower at the moment …….
IMG_2518I have wanted some rub on transfers for glass pendant decorations for ages, so the Tonic Studio Parisian Transfers for just 25p per pack were a no brainer.
I ordered several packets of pockets and doilies, again at just 25p a pack plus some washi tape, thinking perhaps about making scrapbooks with/for Iris and Bertie.  At the moment Iris is obsessed with making at least one card a day for one of her toys, Kermit, Elmo, as well as various relatives, and at 25p a pop I can afford for her to use all the pretty things her heart desires!  The chipboard alphabets were 50p for 39 letters, again something I had been looking for but was being mean when looking at the prices in the shops.
The bows, well I am not really a bow sort of person but thinking of Christmas, and a couple of projects I have done recently, like my craft stick fairies, I think they could come in useful.  The chunky silver gem ribbon comes from Marc and I bouncing ideas off each other. I think the individual hard plastic hearts and butterflies will get cut up to use individually and some used on a jewelled mirror I have in mind.
IMG_2466I have not featured all the items I ordered, however a bargain is only a bargain when you actually use them ……. so I had better crack on!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's quite the haul! Will be fun to watch you use it. Hope you'll share your creations along the way.


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