Friday 12 May 2017

Off To London ……. And An Object Of Very GREAT Desire!

As you know, it’s Eurovision this weekend …….. last year I was there in Stockholm with Rick, Marc’s partner for what, for both of us, was a dream of a lifetime, and I know on Saturday night we will both be wishing that we were there again this year, but there was just something about travelling to the Ukraine that made us hesitate about trying to get tickets.

Eurovision 2016However, on Friday I will be travelling down to London for a long weekend with Marc and Rick, having already sat through all the semi finals to familiarise myself (as has Rick, no doubt) with all the runners and riders ……

Eurovison 3It is entirely probable that several small vodka and cokes will be enjoyed, along side a box (or two) of Maltesers and other such delicacies, with both Rick and I keeping our fingers firmly crossed that a more accessible European country will be the victors so that perhaps we could have another bite of the Eurovision cherry …… and, if we do, Rick is determined that we will be standing amidst the throng at the front ……. and that would be so, so brilliant!

In between the Eurovision brouhaha I think Marc and I are going to have a go at soldering, Marc having just bought a soldering kit in order that we can continue our quest (now in its four year at least) to make “the perfect” microscope slide Christmas decoration and other potential jewellery charms ……

And my object of GREAT desire ………..

tri. bbbbbbI have always, always, always wanted an adult tricycle, you just wouldn’t believe how much …… and this one was just £300 and didn’t even look like it had been ridden. Sadly, it will have to remain where it is, as I just don’t have anywhere to keep it, it’s quite large and my flat is very small, it would fill my whole hall and I couldn’t live with that.   I might just have a look on the estate to see if there is a bike shelter ……… but for now, to quote the late Matt Munro, I think it will have to remain “The Impossible Dream” …….

triIn the same shop as the bike was this 50’s/60’s kitchen cabinet, it’s quite an iconic piece (see below)  ….. it’s not to everyone’s taste, but I love it.  I keep on saying I need two flats/houses, one to live in and one to do up.  My flat is modern with no quirks at all …… if ever I win the lottery, I would definitely buy a terrace type house just to indulge my hobby!


  1. Have a lovely weekend and good luck with the soldering. You probably already know this but the easiest way of “wrapping” a piece of glass with solder is to use “copper foil” which is used in making Tiffany style stained glass. The copper foil is self adhesive and applied to the glass to give the solder something to “stick” to as it will not adhere to the glass by itself. There are plenty of tutorials on-line but I’m sure you and Marc already know what you’re doing. Looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labour.

  2. those are both fab love the trike and the 50s cabinet a must have for a hip young thing big love marc


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