Thursday 29 June 2017

Christmas Tree Label Holder Metal Frame Decorations

Another festive project today using the Simply Gorjuss Santoro Tweed Metal Name Plates I got for £1 a pack (6) from NEC HobbyCraft Show.
Label Holder Metal Frame Christmas Tree DecorationI also used the last of some metal Christmas tree embellishments I bought many, many years ago, and that I wish I could find again ………. IMG_2655I made the backgrounds using scraps of blue and white glitter paper, attaching them using E6000 glue onto the back of each frame to ensure a good, strong bond.  I added a few silver stars ……….
IMG_2657……. and then carefully flooded the space (minus the Christmas Tree) with Ranger Glossy Accents, leaving to set completely for 24 hours.
IMG_2678When I was sure the Glossy Accents had completely set I glued two label holders/bookplates together, again using E6000 to make double sided decorations. These were left under a heavy weight for a couple of hours to make sure they were well bonded and flat.
IMG_2684Next followed jump rings, beads and wire loop hangers, not one of my most favourite of tasks, jump rings being my crafting nemesis, as Marc will contest.
IMG_2688And then, I could add the Christmas Trees (using E6000), to finally see if my idea would come together as I had imagined.
IMG_2689I am dead chuffed!  These will be put away and then given at Christmas to friends and family as a Christmas greeting that I hope will come out year after year instead of a card.


  1. You definitely should be chuffed! They turned out perfectly and will look wonderful on a Christmas tree.

  2. I really like these Helen! Great idea and so lovely!

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xox


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