Thursday 27 July 2017

Matchbox Lollipop Favour

This is not my idea, I found it on Pinterest and I thought I just had to have a go.
Lollipop Favour boxesThis first effort was done very quickly, just to see if it would work, hence it is very plain, but it would be so easy to add stripes using tape or sprinkles etc. to make the boxes look more realistic
 IMG_3596lollipop favour boxes.
I used my Sizzix/Stampin Up matchbox die to make the box and simply glued a standard craft/lolly stick, which was in just the right proportion, to the back of the drawer.
IMG_3597So, simple but effective, I am already thinking Halloween!


  1. it works for me big love marc

  2. Oooooh, I think these would be awesome for Halloween treats. I can see the goo dripping down the top edges now. Time to get out my Martha Stewart goo border punch!


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