Sunday 9 July 2017

Two Covered Notebooks

I like to have a notebook either on my desk for my “jobs to do” lists or, if I am going away, for roughly putting posts together for The Monkeys blog.
Decorated Notebook CoversBut, I don’t like lined paper and I like a good quality paper, so I tend to go for an artists notebook, and, as I had too much time on my hands just before I went on holiday, I decided to cover two that I bought from The Works.
IMG_2806The red A5 sketch pad cost £1 and the plain black one was £2.  The paper quality is perfect.
IMG_2808I covered the front and back of both books with a patchwork of scrap papers using Modge Podge. There is something about Modge Podge I don’t like, so I am glad I used all I had on these books, its the slightly crumbly feeling it has when it dries on your fingers, it just feels too strange!
When the first layer was dry I added assorted punched foliage and flowers in the same papers, for a subtle finish on the fronts only.
I did wonder if the foliage and flowers might look better edged in black, I tried a small area in a corner, which thankfully came off, as it looked pants.
Instead I tried some Ranger Enamel Accents in black and white for the first time, in the centre of the flowers and in lines here and there.  They were pretty easy to use,  but a quick up and down dab action was best to stop the Accents from trailing.  I am really chuffed with the solid enamel finish, something a bit different from 3D pearl effect paints etc., I am already thinking about looking at what other colours are available with possibly decorating Christmas baubles in mind.


  1. These are gorgeous! I've made covered notebooks for my granddaughters. Maybe Iris would like one, too, with her own set of washable markers, of course. :)

  2. what a stunning small gift these would make, love the added flowers

  3. These look great. I get through no end of scraps of paper for writing notes on and can never find what
    I want.. This would keep it all in one place. Thanks for the idea. Hugs Mrs A.
    Looking forward to the monkeys reunion. God job we will be chaperoning them. Heaven knows what they will get up to otherwise. Norm is already perfecting his playing card tricks.

  4. What pretty books. You really can't beat a lovely note book and these look fabulous.
    Toni xx

  5. These are lovely Helen! Would never have thought to cover my notebook like that! I always go for the nice glittery backed ones but the paper isn't up to scratch!! Think I'll be popping into my local 'the Works' shop!

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xox


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